


4031. accept/əkˈsɛpt/ v.接受;收受;领受【Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡支付吗?】;接受(提议或邀请);同意【She decided to accept their offer. 她决定接受他们的提议。】;(对…满意而)接受,接纳;欢迎【She was accepted as a full member of the society. 她被接纳为该协会的正式成员。】;相信;(认为真实而)接受【The police refused to accept her version of the story. 警方不相信她的说法。】

4032. acceptable/əkˈsept.ə.bəl/ adj.令人满意的;可以接受的;可容许的;赞同的【This kind of attitude is simply not acceptable. 这种态度是完全无法接受的。】;勉强可以的,差强人意的【Her performance was acceptable, but not stunning. 她的表演差强人意,算不上精彩。】

4033. acceptance/əkˈsep.təns/ n.认可;接纳【Social acceptance is important for most young people. 对大多数青年来说,为社会所接纳很重要。】;接受(提议、计划、礼物或邀请)【Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing. 请书面确认你接受这项提议。】;容忍;无怨地接受(逆境、困境等);逆来顺受【His attitude to his children's behaviour is one of resigned acceptance. 他对自己孩子的行为抱着能忍则忍的态度。】

4034. series/ ‘siəri:z/ n.一连串;一系列【There has been a series of sexual attacks on women in the area. 这个地区发生了一连串针对女性的性侵犯案件。】;系列书,丛书;(电视或广播的)系列节目【a comedy series 喜剧系列片】;

4035. colleague/ ‘kɔli:g/ n.同事;同僚【We're entertaining some colleagues of Carol's tonight. 今晚我们要招待卡罗尔的几位同事。】

4036. college/ ‘kɔlidʒ/ n.大学【a college student 大学学生】;学院;职业学校;技术学校;高等专科学校【a teacher training college 师范学院】;(大学的)学院,分院;学会,社团,协会

4037. football/ ‘futbɔ:l/ n. 美式橄榄球(运动);足球比赛;足球(美式为soccer)

4038. particle/ ‘pa:tikl/ n. 微粒,粒子;极小量【There is a particle of truth in his statement. 他的陈述中有一点点实话。】

4039. serve/ sə:v/ v.提供(食物或饮料)【Do they serve meals in the bar? 这家酒吧提供饭菜吗?】;(为…)工作;(为…)服务;尽职责【He served in the army for 22 years. 他服了22年兵役。】;有助于实现;(对…)有用【The judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other drivers. 法官说此次罚款对其他司机会是一种警告。】;为…提供所需物品,供应【The centre will serve the whole community. 这个中心将为整个社区提供服务。】;接待;招待;为…服务【They wouldn't serve me in any pubs 'cos I looked too young. 这些酒吧都不让我进,因为我看上去太小了。】;花费,度过(一段时间)【He served four years in prison for robbery. 他因抢劫坐了4年牢。】;(在网球等体育运动中)发(球)【Whose turn is it to serve? 轮到谁发球了?】;n.发(球)(=service)【It's your serve. 该你发球了。】

4040. pole/ pəul/ n.杆子,柱子;(地球的)极(点)【the North Pole 北极】;磁极;电极;(意见、立场或特点)截然相反的一端,极端

