1. famous, renowned, infamous, notorious, obscure
1)课文中的famous: known or recognized by many people.
The postbox instantly became famous after it was featured in one of LuHan’s photographs.
2). renowned: known and admired by many people for some special quality or achievement.
The restaurantis renowned for its wine list.
a renownedscientist
Harry Potter: famous
Professor Dumbledore: a renowned wizard
A famous person is not necessarily a renowned person, but a renowned person must be famous. famous:中性偏褒义,而renowned 绝对的褒义词。
3). infamous的2个使用误区
infamous [ˈɪnfəməs]
a. 名声狼藉的、臭名远扬的
Lord Voldemort was infamous for his relentless pursuit of the dark arts.
4). notorious
Lord Voldemort was notorious for his cruelty towards others.
The test is notoriously difficult.
5).obscure a. 不出名的
renowned Professor Dumbledore
famous Harry Potter
infamous or notorious Lord Voldemort
Bill-a curse-breaker for Gringotts
Charle-a dragon-tamer
Fred and George-the twin-brothers
Someone unknown, someone almost invisible next to Harry Potter, someone obscure.
an obscure actress 十八线小演员
an obscure writer 名不见经传的作家
live in obscurity 在默默无闻中生活
She rose from obscurity to renown.
2. found v. 建立
The famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.
1)found是find的过去式/过去分词:“发现” find-found-found
2)found本身又是一个动词原形:“建立” found-founded-founded
3)a pathfinder:a person or group that is the first to do something and that makes it possible for others to do the same thing =开拓者、开创者= a trailblazer
Coco Chanel was a pathfinder of the fashion world. 时尚圈的弄潮儿
Steve Jobs was a technological pathfinder. 技术先驱、领军人物。
a company founder 公司创始人
4)the findings of a research
the founding fathers of a country
the founding members of the United Nations
3. 几百年来,圣伯纳德修道院驯养的狗拯救了许多翻越这道山口的旅游者的生命。
For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass.
复习4个拯救:save, rescue, salvage和redeem
4. attempt n./v.企图、试图 约等于try to do sth.
尽管修通了隧道,但仍有一些人想冒险徒步跨越圣伯纳德山口。Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.
attempt to do sth. = make an attempt to do sth. = make an attempt at sth.
attempted a. 未遂的
attempted murder 谋杀未遂
attempted escape 逃跑未遂
attempted kidnap 绑架未遂
attempted assassination —> an assassination attempt 暗杀未遂
5. enclosure n. = an area that is surrounded by a wall, fence 围栏
由于来人太多,狗被关在专门的围栏里。As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a specialenclosure.
enclosure n. = an area that is surrounded by a wall, fence 围栏
enclose v.
1)=to surround sth. 包围、围绕
High walls enclose the courtyard. = High walls surround the courtyard. 院子四周围着高墙。
Enclose the fish in foil and bake. 用锡纸把鱼先包起来再烤。
She enclosed a photo with her application. 她在申请中附上了照片。
The temperature drops to -30 and very few people attempted to cross the Pass.
drop / plummet
1) drop:to change to a lower level, amount, position.
His voice dropped as he told us the secret. 他压低了嗓音向我们透露了秘密。
The team has dropped to the third place. 该队排位已跌至第三。
The prices kept dropping. 价格持续走低。
He dropped behind the other runners after he hurt his ankle.
2) plummet: to fall or drop suddenly in amount, or value.
Stock prices plummeted 40 percent during the company’s scandal.
Temperatures are expected to plummet this weekend.
The city’s population plummets when people leave for the Spring Festival holidays.
7. 怎么表达“喜好”?
The monksprefer winter tosummer for they have more privacy.
I prefer coffee to tea. 相比较茶,我更喜欢咖啡。
I prefer jazz to pop music.
2) choose between A and B 在AB之间选择
choose A over B 选A不选B.
He chose happiness over wealth. = He chose happiness instead of wealth.
3) sth. would not be my first choice. 某物不会是我的第一选择
sth. would not be on the top of my list. 某物不在我的首选单上。
French fries would not be my first choice for dinner. 炸薯条不会是我的晚餐首选。
Big cities would not be on the top of my vacation list. 大城市不会是我假期出行的首选之地。
8. wander v.
The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure.
wander v.= to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction.
She likes wandering about the city. 她喜欢在城里四处溜达。
引申:wander from/off v.
We are wandering from our original plan. 我们离原始计划越走越远了。
The speech wandered off the subject. 演讲跑题了。
saunter v. = to walk along in a slow and relaxed manner = stroll v. 散步,漫步
take a stroll (n.)= take a saunter (n.)
march v. 士兵行军步; 大步流星地走 = to walk somewhere quickly and in a direct and forceful way.
He marched into the office and demanded an immediate answer. 他大步流星地冲劲办公室,要求立刻有人回答他的问题。
比喻:on the march = going forward: Time is on the march. (n.) 时间不等人。
9.party n. 群,组
The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter.
1)party 群组的情感色彩
a bench of judges 一群法官
a galaxy of celebrities 一群名流
an orchestra of musicians 一群乐师
a cast of actors 一群演员
a troupe of dancers 一群舞者
an army of soldiers 一队士兵
a pack of paparazzi 一群狗仔队
a swarm of journalists 一群记者
These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, alwaysreceivea warm welcome at St. Bernard’s monastery.
receive a letter/a reply 收到一封信/回复
receive a warm welcome 受到热烈欢迎
receive an award ______奖
receive guests/visitors ______宾客/来访者
receive signals ________信号
receive a salary / a grant / a bonus _________薪水/经费/津贴(奖金)
receive a bribe _________贿赂
receive help / support ________帮助/支持
receive advice/guidance ________建议/指导
receive recognition _______认可
receive compliments _______赞美
receive an order ______命
receive an award 得 奖
receive guests/visitors 款待/接待宾客/来访者
receive signals_接收_信号
receive a salary / a grant / a bonus领取薪水/经费/津贴(奖金)
receive a bribe 收下 贿赂
receive help / support 获得 帮助/支持
receive advice/guidance采纳 建议/指导
receive recognition得到 认可
receive compliments笑纳 赞美
receive an order领命
1.famous、renowned、infamous, notorious, obscure
2. found v. 建立
3.复习4个拯救:save, rescue, salvage和redeem
4.attempt n./v. 企图、试图
5. enclosure n. 围栏
enclose v. 包围、包裹、附上
6. drop v. 降低
plummet v. 骤降
7. prefer…to
sth. would not be my first choice. 某物不会是我的第一选择
sth. would not be on the top of my list. 某物不在我的首选单上。
8. wander v. 溜达
wander off/from 跑题、偏离
saunter v. = stroll v. 散步、漫步
march v. 行军、大步流星地走
9. 群组的情感色彩
10. receive的变脸戏法
Knowing the subtle differences between words is very helpful. Thanks a lot
佐伊和佐伊 回复 @晓月66: Glad to know.
佐伊和佐伊 回复 @smilewgy: 拿走不谢
佐伊和佐伊 回复 @长寿小星星: 欢迎来听课
She rose from obscurity to renown. 从无名到著名,从默默无闻到名扬天下
1598215wtfe 回复 @smilewgy: 我收
佐伊和佐伊 回复 @smilewgy: 欢迎回来
Mamba never out824!
plummet和 slump 有什么区别
有来学 回复 @Ming_uxs: 你好,这个问题可以自行百度哦!