Goodluck testtakers
Take an exam 参加考试
Sit an exam 参加考试
Review/revise for exams 复习
Cram for exam (pull an all nighter) 临时抱佛脚(熬通宵)
Pass an exam with flying colors 轻松通过(考试)
Ace an exam 在考试中发挥出色
Flunk an exam 考砸了
*All your hard work will pay off. 你的辛苦都会有回报!
Chill˜ 放轻松
What can test takers do? 身为考生的你
Remember to breathe. 练习深呼吸
With your eyes closed, take three large breaths, then pause, exhale, and repeat the process. Large, deliberate breaths not only help relax the body, but also increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Use this technique both before the test and during difficult areas of the exam.
Inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Try to hold your breath for a count of 2, then slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.
Expand and contract your muscles. 试着收缩肌肉
For example, tighten your shoulders and slowly relax them, repeating the process in other tense areas of your body. Tightening muscles before relaxing them enhances the body's relaxation awareness, which relaxes the body even more.
Put the exam in perspective. 以人生的全局观来看待考试
Keep in mind that, in the grand scheme of your future, doing poorly on one exam will likely not be that impactful. We often overestimate how bad things will be and how poorly they will make us feel. Keep that in mind if you find yourself getting stressed out in the middle of your exam. It is probably not the end of the world if you do poorly. Life will go on and you can study harder for the next one!
If you catch yourself stuck in a negative thought loop, try to detach from it. Ask yourself: what'sthe worst that can really happen if I don't do well on this test? Try to remain logical about it. Can you really handle the worst that could happen? Chances are, the answer is yes.
What can parents do? 身为考生家长的你
Reiterate that it’s normal to feel stressed, talk about exam nerves
Stress is normal when we engage in something challenging. We feel stress because we are vulnerable that we may not perform well. Teach your child that this uncomfortable feeling is good because it means you are challenging yourself.
Don’t protect them from the challenge, or make the stress abnormal, or they’ll think it is something to fear.
Ask them how they feel, listen and encourage, but help them to see challenge as a good thing.
Tell them not to fear failure, don’t add to pressure
Your child can feel like if they don’t succeed at this then it means their whole life is a failure. They need to know there is not one perfect plan but thereare multiple pathways to success.
Failure (or not getting exactly whatyou want) is a normal part of life. Great success incorporates great failure. Failure is an event that provides us with choices; it is not who we are.
Chasing your dreams
Your dream schools 梦想志愿校
Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. (PauloCoelho)
Copingwith failures
Failure is NOT the opposite of success, it is part of success.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill)
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. (WinstonChurchill)
Goodluck !
The best way to motivate yourself is to stop stressing about what’ll happen when things go wrong and start thinking about how awesome life will be when they go right.
英语主播璐璐 回复 @Xjling: 嗯嗯!一定会的
想问璐璐倒数第二句最后一个词是什么, it is very normal to always go to the case __? 谢谢!
英语主播璐璐 回复 @ChemLovely: worst case scenario
I always walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.
Wow~ Nice episode!
英语主播璐璐 回复 @Mingo小明姐:
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. (WinstonChurchill) Copy that. Should have known that 15 yrs ago, but still glad to hear since life is going on.