


Teacher’s Day Special

Teacher of many names

Lecturer/Professor  讲师/教授

Tutor 导师/辅导老师

Coach/Trainer 教练/培训师

Mentor (人生/职场)导师

Master  (专业技能)师傅

Guru  ()大师/(引申义)宗师

Teachers have a lot to do, they…

Develop lesson plans  备课

Manage classrooms  管理课堂

Ø A good teacher, like a goodentertainer first must hold his audience’s attention, then he can teach hislesson.

Engage and interact with students  吸引学生注意力和学生互动

Assign homework  布置作业

Grade papers  改作业/作文

Assess progress  检查学习进度/成效

Observe other teachers  观摩同事上课

Keep on learning!  永远保持学习的热情

Famous teachers (educators) in history

Confucius  孔子

Ø  Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? (TheAnalects)


Aristotle  亚里士多德

Ø Educating the mind withouteducating the heart is no education at all.

Anne Sullivan 安妮·沙利文

Ø Children requireguidance and sympathy far more than instruction.

Maria Montessouri 玛丽亚·蒙特梭利

Ø A core idea of her theories wasthe idea that children essentially teach themselves; the teacher’s primaryresponsibility is to create the appropriate environment for learning andprovide the spark that allows children to develop naturally.

There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that’s what is unique aboutthem.


Ø  The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superiorteacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

Ø  A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill alove of learning.

Nurture  滋养鼓励(学生)


(Encourage through positive reinforcement) 正向激励/强化

Ø  Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creativeexpression and knowledge.

(Albert Einstein)

  • 听友128228198


  • 西木_go


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @西木_go: 哈哈好可爱~

  • Euler_lover

    A belated and great thanks to my beloved teacher--lulu. I strongly agree the point "A good teacher will instill the love of learning into the students' hearts". For this reason, teaching is one of the most meaningful profession in the world, and teachers are the most respectful people.

  • 西木_go

    The great teacher inspire students! Seems like I don’t have much other options except must try to be a Great teacher because nowdays my knowledge can never catch up the students questions. So I always try to use the famous quote “青出于蓝而胜于蓝” to inspire my students to find the better solution to beat m

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @西木_go: teachers should definitely be keen learners, always!

  • 听友111782833


    北北北熊 回复 @听友111782833: (⊙o⊙)哇,每天两小时…借你做我的标杆先

  • millsonhoman


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @millsonhoman: 说的我都脸红了,能够给大家一点有趣有益的东西,我很开心!

  • gruphy

    I take my hat off to Lulu, a mentor and a dear friend to me.

  • ancy刘


    basement 回复 @ancy刘: 嗯,重点是很舒服,虽然听不懂,哈哈

  • Euler_lover

    Besides my daily job, I am also a mentor in my company. I take this as an opportunity to motivate me keep on learning and growing, because learning is a lifelong profession.

  • Fenwaye
