


**Britainunder the microscope  - Sherlock Holmes


**SherlockHolmes – THE most famous fictional detective


-Hisskillset  - The art of deduction (ForensicScience 法证科学)


  *Watson’snotes on Holmes

     Knows nothing about literature, philosophy, astronomy …

     Variable knowledge of botany

      Practical but limited knowledge of geology

     Profound knowledge of chemistry

     Accurate but unsystematic knowledge of anatomy

     Immense knowledge of sensational literature (crime and horror)

     Plays violin well

     An expert singlestick player, boxer and swordsman

     Practical knowledge of British law


-Hisappearance (drawing inThe StrandMagazine)

  Talland thin

 Athletic and agile

 Tweedy clothes and cape  粗花呢外套和斗篷

  Cane and pipe

   “deerstalkerhat”猎鹿帽 – Creation of illustrator, NOT the author!



 Mycroft Holmes

  -Head of the Secret Service?


-221BBaker Street

   Therewas a bank there and they had to hire someone to answer all the letters

   *Sherlock Holmes Museum





-Dr.John Waston

 Army doctor


 Witness to Holmes’s brilliance “Elementary, my dear Watson”

 Holmes’s rock and only friend

  “Youwon’t fail me. You never did fail me.”(The Dying Detective)

  Homoerotic undertone


-ProfessorJames Moriarty



  Master criminal (brain of the underworld in London)

   Anevil version of Sherlock Holmes




  Gradually gained mutual respect

  “TheBaker Street Irregulars” – a gang of young street children

“Go everywhere and hear everything”




The Canon of Sherlock Holmes 全集系列

56 short stories and 4 novels by Sir ArthurConan Doyle

-TheHound of the Baskervilles

-AStudy in Scarlet

-AScandal in Bohemia

  “THEwoman” – Irene Adler

   “Itwas not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler”

  “Theemotional robot”

    “I am brain, Watson. The rest ofme is a mere appendix.”

     Two dimensional character gradually turned into a more complex detectivewith depth


Lulu’s favorite case:The Speckled Band

Anlan’s favorite case:The Resident Patient



Arthur Conan Doyle

-Army doctor background

-Amateur detective

-Inspiration for Holmes: former professorJoseph Bell at Edinburgh University

-Wrote science fiction, includingThe Lost Worldwhich later inspiredJurassic Park




-TV and Film adaptations

Sherlock Holmes is the MOST filmed fullyhuman fictional character

Appeared in 292 films and TV shows (IMDB)

Modern twist: Sherlock /Elementary

Portrayed by over 90 different actors 

Classic: Jeremy Brett (Granada TV 1984-1994)



 Over900 Sherlockian societies around the world  

  • 听书睡觉略略

    lucy liu,我喜欢她在致命女人里的出演

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @听书睡觉略略: 很到位~

  • KellyZCH猪猪


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @KellyZCH猪猪:

  • Judyzyy


  • 湖蓝_4t

    超喜欢这集!以后做一期Agatha Christie 吧!

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @湖蓝_4t: 正在筹划

  • lyt忘羡


  • 墨溢书楼


  • 黑玉堂杀杀杀

    喜欢"The four signs"

  • 走也之


  • 长肉教授

    Welcome to 221B Backer Street.

  • moonriver0790

    So marvelous