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gain [(1) to get possession of;(2) to get more; (3)to increase]

For a long time, United Statesvoters did not know which candidate gained the presidency. (1)

He gained more support byspeaking on television. (2)

His savings gained 150 dollars ininterest. (3)

game [an activity with rules inwhich people or teams play or compete, usually sports]

Our school won the baseball game.

gas [(1) any substance that isnot solid or liquid; (2) any substance that burns to provide heat, light orpower]

Seventy-eight percent of ouratmosphere is nitrogen gas. (1)

Natural gas is used to heat manyhomes in the United States. (2)

gather [(1) to bring or cometogether into a group or place; (2) to collect]

They gather at the church everySunday. (1)

Please help her gather flowersfrom the garden. (2)

general [(1) a high militaryleader; (2) without details; (3) affecting or including all or almost all]

The general ordered his forces toattack. (1)

The senator made a generalstatement on the proposal, and promised details later. (2)

He hopes to change generalopinion on the issue. (3)

gentle [(1) soft; (2) kind; (3)not rough or violent]

She has a gentle voice. (1)

He is gentle with children. (2)

I gave him a gentle push towardher. (3)

get [(1) to receive; (2) to gain;(3) to go and bring back; (4) to become; (5) to become the owner of]

Did you get the letter I sent toyou? (1)

She got a new friend. (2)

Please get an apple for me at thefood store. (3)

He got sick last night after theparty. (4)

She got a new car today. (5)

gift [something given withoutcost]

He gave her a gift from Japan.

girl [a young female person]

Have you met the new girl in ourclass?

give [to present to another tokeep without receiving payment]

Her husband gave her a diamondring for her birthday.

glass [a hard, clear materialthat is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to holdliquids]

The glass broke when it hit thefloor.

go [(1) to move from one place toanother; (2) to leave]

We will go home from here. (1)

He said he must go at 10 o'clock.(2)

goal [(1) that toward which aneffort is directed; (2) that which is aimed at; (3) the end of a trip or race]

Our goal is to finish this reporttoday. (1)

We have several goals for theyear. (2)

We reached our goal after twodays of hard walking. (3)

god [(1) the spirit that ishonored as creator of all things; (2) a spirit or being believed in manyreligions to have special powers]

They believe in God. (1)

The ancient Greeks believed inmany gods. (2)

gold [a highly valued yellowmetal]

He became rich after findinggold.

good [(1) pleasing; (2) helpful;(3) kind; (4) correct; (5) not bad]

The tea tastes good. (1)

Your good plans helped uscomplete the project early. (2)

He was a good person who had manyfriends. (3)

She gave good answers to everyquestion on the examination. (4)

This meat looks good, but itsmells bad. (5)

goods [things owned or made to besold]

This store sells sporting goods.

govern [(1) to control; (2) torule by military or political power]

Special rules govern theelection.  (1)

The troubled country is governedby a group of military officers. (2)

government [(1) a system ofgoverning; (2) the organization of people that rules a country, city or area]

America has a democraticgovernment. (1)

The Labor government has surviveda political attack by the opposition party. (2)

grain [(1) the seed of grassplants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; (2) those plants thatproduce the seeds]

I like bread made from severaldifferent grains. (1)

The farmer raises two grains,wheat and corn. (2)

granddaughter [the daughter of aperson's daughter or son]

My granddaughter is three yearsold today.

grandfather [the father of aperson's father or mother]

He became a grandfather when hisgranddaughter was born.

grandmother [the mother of aperson's father or mother]

She plans to visit hergrandmother.

grandson [the son of a person'sdaughter or son]

The old woman had many grandsons.

grass [a plant with long, narrow,green leaves]

He asked his grandson to cut thegrass in his yard.

gray [having the color like thatmade by mixing black and white]

Gray clouds filled the sky.

great [(1) very large or morethan usual in size or number; (2) very good; (3) important]

A great many people around theworld watched on television as the astronaut stepped onto the moon's surface.(1)

He was a great President. (2)

I like to read about the greatheroes of history. (3)

green [(1)having the color likethat made by mixing yellow and blue; (2) having the color like that of growingleaves and grass]

Mixing blue and yellow paintproduces green paint. (1)

Rain has made the treesespecially green this year. (2)

grind [to reduce to small piecesby crushing]

Many people grind coffee beanseach morning to make coffee.

ground [(1) land; (2) the earth'ssurface; (3) soil]

The ground here is very dry. (1)

The airlines plane flew almostnine kilometers above the ground. (2)

In the spring, farmers preparethe ground for planting crops. (3)

group [(1) a number of people orthings together; (2) a gathering of people working for a common purpose]

That group of houses was builtlast year. (1)

The two groups decided to worktogether instead of competing with each other. (2)

grow [(1) to develop or becomebigger; (2) to increase in size or amount]

That young tree has grown muchtaller in the past year. (1)

Higher interest rates made hissavings grow even more. (2)

guarantee [(1) to promise aresult; (2) to promise that something will happen]

The company guaranteed it wouldrepair or replace the computer if it broke within two years. (1)

The employee guaranteed he wouldcomplete the work by the end of the week. (2)

guard [(1) to watch and protect aperson, place or thing; (2) a person or thing that watches or protects]

He guards the president. (1)

He is a prison guard. (2)

guerrilla [a person who fights aspart of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police ]

Guerrillas attacked a policestation in the town and captured guns and ammunition.

guide [(1) to lead to; (2) toshow the way; (3) one who shows the way] 

He offered to guide us to the topof the mountain. (1)

The driver guided his car throughthe narrow street. (2)

Our guide spent the day showingus the city. (3)

guilty [(1) having done somethingwrong or in violation of a law; (2) responsible for a bad action]

The court found him guilty ofstealing a car. (1)

She felt guilty because she didnot call her mother. (2)

gun [a weapon that shootsbullets]

Is it legal to own a gun in yourcountry?

