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I [the person speaking]

I am glad to meet you.


ice [frozen water]

Would you like more ice in yourdrink?


idea [(1) a thought or picture inthe mind; (2) a belief]

He liked your ideas for theparty. (1)

His ideas about religion are verystrange. (2)


identify [to recognize someone orsomething and to say who or what they are]

Can you identify the man you sawwith the victim?


if [(1) on condition; (2)provided that]

I will go only if you go. (1)

I will go if you go. (2)


illegal [(1) not legal; (2) inviolation of a law]

His friend was an illegal visitorto this country. (1)

The judge said throwing wastepaper from the car was an illegal act. (2)


imagine [(1) to make a picture inthe mind; (2) to form an idea]

I can imagine how pleased she waswith the gift. (1)

She said she could imagineseveral ways to correct the problem. (2)


immediate [(1) without delay; (2)very near in time or place]

The emergency required immediateaction. (1)

The officer ordered his men tosearch the immediate area. (2)


import [(1) to bring from anothercountry; (2) something brought from another country, usually for sale]

This candy was imported fromGermany. (1)

The report said imports wereincreasing but exports were lower. (2)


important [having great meaning,value or power]

She is an important member ofCongress.


improve [(1) to make better; (2)to become better]

He improved the company'searnings. (1)

The company's earnings improved. (2)


in [(1) inside; (2) held by; (3)contained by; (4) surrounded by; (5) during]

The food is in the ice box. (1)

What do you have in your hand?(2)

The good wine is in that bottle.(3)

Did you get wet in the storm? (4)

He heard the child crying in thenight. (5)


incident [an event or somethingthat happens]

The incident did not affect herperformance.


incite [to urge or cause anaction or emotion, usually something bad or violent]

The speaker incited the riot.


include [(1) to have; (2) to makea part of]

That price includes sales tax. (1)

Please include Mary on the listof speakers. (2)


increase [to make more in size oramount]

The runner increased his speednear the finish line.


independent [(1) not influencedby or controlled by another or others; (2) free; (3) separate]

An independent investigator foundno evidence of wrongdoing. (1)

He was an independent thinker. (2)

The 13 American colonies declaredthat they were independent from Britain. (3)


individual [one person]

He wrote about protecting thelegal rights of the individual.


industry [(1) any business thatproduces goods or provides services; (2) the work and related activity infactories and offices; (3) all organizations involved in manufacturing]

She works in the travel industry.(1)

Industry began slowing down inthe final months of 2000. (2)

He believes the labor unions andindustry will reach early agreement on their differences. (3)


infect [to make sick withsomething that causes disease]

A biological weapon could infectmillions of people with a deadly disease.


inflation [a continuing rise inprices while the value of money goes down]

Federal banking officials wereable to keep inflation from rising.


influence [(1) to have an effecton someone or something; (2) to cause change]

The strong economy did notinfluence voters to keep the party in power. (1)

What influenced your decision tochange jobs? (2)

inform [(1) to tell; (2) to giveknowledge to]

Please inform me when you leavethe office. (1)

I informed her about whathappened. (2)


information [(1) knowledge; (2)facts]

He got the information fromseveral books. (1)

He asked for information abouthis family. (2)


inject [to force a fluid into,such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin]

The doctor injected thepainkiller into his shoulder.


injure [to cause harm or damageto a person or animal]

The mail carrier was injured byan angry dog.

innocent [(1) not guilty of acrime; (2) not responsible for a bad action]

The court found that she wasinnocent of all charges. (1)

The woman said her innocent dognever bit anyone. (2)

insane [mentally sick]

How does your country treatinsane people?

insect [a very small creature,usually with many legs and sometimes with wings]

Flying insects attacked them assoon as they went into the forest.

inspect [(1) to look at somethingcarefully; (2) to examine, especially by an expert]

He inspected his fingers fordirt. (1)

The policeman inspected her carfor damage. (2) 

instead [(1) in the place of; (2)taking the place of]

She chose you instead of me. (1)

He planned to go to a movie butdecided to stay home instead. (2)

instrument [a tool or devicedesigned to do something or to make something]

The spacecraft carriedinstruments to examine the surface of Mars.

insult [to say something or to dosomething that makes another person angry or dishonored]

He insulted her by arriving verylate at her party. 

intelligence [(1) the ability tothink or learn; (2) information gathered byspying ]

The research project requiredscientists with great intelligence. (1)

The  agency     collected muchintelligence about planned      attacks. (2)

intelligent [quick to understandor learn]

The boy was so intelligent thathe began university studies at the age of twelve.

intense [(1) very strong; (2)extremely serious]

Security was intense during thePresident's visit. (1)

Learning the language requiredintense study. (2)

interest [(1)&(2) what isimportant to someone; (3) a share in owning a business; (4) money paid for theuse of money borrowed]

He acted to protect hisinterests. (1)

She had a great interest inpainting. (2)

My father holds an interest inseveral businesses. (3)

The bank approved his loan, butit wanted him to pay 15 percent in interest each year. (4)

interfere [(1) to get in the wayof; (2) to work against; (3) to take part in the activities of others,especially when not asked to do so]

He did not win the race becauseanother boat interfered by turning in front of his boat. (1)

The snowstorm interfered with ourplans to climb the mountain. (2)

Joanne asked her father not tointerfere in her dispute with Bryan. (3)



international [(1) of or about more than one nation or many nations; (2) of the whole world]

The international conference of South American leaders has opened in Quito. (1)

The information is in the report on international trade. (2)


intervene [(1) to come between; (2) to come between in order to settle or solve]

The police intervened before any shots were fired. (1)

The President urged the United Nations to intervene in the border dispute. (2)


invade [to enter an area or country by force with an army]

Allied forces in England invaded the Normandy area of France in 1944.


invent [(1) to plan and make something never made before; (2) to create a new thing or way of doing something]

Did Henry Ford invent the automobile? (1)

Did Henry Ford invent a new way to build cars? (2)


invest [to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money]

George asked his friends to invest in his new oil company.


investigate [(1) to study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge; (2) to search for the truth]

Civil rights leaders asked the federal government to investigate voting problems in some parts of Florida. (1)

Congress is investigating the president's relationship with a young woman. (2)


invite [to ask someone to take part in or join an event, organization or gathering]

Jason invited Candy to his party.


involve [(1) to take part in; (2) to become a part of; (3) to include]

He has been involved in drama for many years. (1)

She became completely involved with her new family. (2)

The project involved thousands of people. (3)


iron [a strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools]

People have been making tools of iron for about 2,800 years.


island [a land area with water all around it]

Ken lived on several different islands in the South Pacific Ocean.


issue [an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about ]

Campaign finance reform was the most important issue in the election campaign.


it [a thing, place, event or idea that is being spoken about ]

The sky is blue, but it also has a few white clouds.

