JJ 点击此处文本

JJ 点击此处文本




[a prison for those waitingto be tried for a crime or for those serving sentences for crimes that are notserious]

He was sentenced to ten days injail.

jewel [a valuable stone, such asa diamond or emerald]

She keeps her valuable jewels atthe bank.

job [the work that one does toearn money]

Jean has a new job at an Internetcompany.

join [(1) to put together or cometogether; (2) to become part of or a member of]

I can join the two broken partstogether. (1)

We invited her to join our studygroup. (2)

joint [shared by two or more]

We made a joint agreement not tomeet next week.

joke [something done or said tocause others to laugh]

Have you heard any new jokes?

judge [(1) to form an opinionabout; (2) to decide a question, especially a legal one ; (3) a public officialwho decides problems of law in a court]

I helped judge the writingability of each person in the competition. (1)

The jury judged the two menguilty of all charges. (2)

The judge in traffic court hearsmany cases every day. (3)

jump [to push down on the feetand move up quickly into the air]

How high can you jump?

jury [a group of people chosen todecide what is true in a trial]

The jury found him guilty.

just [(1) only; (2) very shortlybefore or after the present; (3) at the same time; (4) what is right or fair]

Help me for just a minute. (1)

He just left. (2)

He left just as I came in. (3)

The law is just, in my opinion.(4)

