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[(1) the front of the head:eyes, nose, month; (2) to look toward; (3) to turn toward; (4) to have beforeyou, such as a problem or danger]

Put a smile on your face. (1)

He faced the flag. (2)

She faced left, then right. (3)

The nation faced great danger. (4)


[something known or proved tobe true]

The facts show that he spoke thetruth.

factory [a building or group ofbuildings where goods are made]

The shoe factory in our town ismoving to Mexico.

fail [(1) to not succeed; (2) tonot reach a goal]

My car failed to start. (1)

The leaders failed to reach apeace agreement. (2)

fair [(1) just; (2) honest; (3)what is right]

The judge made a fair decision.(1)

He played the game fairly. (2)

(~ly adverb)

It was only fair that she invitehim to dinner. (3)

fall [(1) to go down quickly; (2)to come down; (3) to drop to the ground or a lower position]

The burning airplane fell fromthe sky. (1)

The ball fell gently into myhands. (2)

The snow melted as it fell. (3)

false [(1)not true; (2) notcorrect]

She made a false statement to thepolice. (1)

The computer gave a false answer.(2)

family [the group that includeschildren and their parents]

She has a large family.

famous [known very well to manypeople]

He is a famous actor.

far [at, to or from a greatdistance]

John's home is far from here.

farm [land used to grow crops andanimals for food]

His family owns a big farm inKansas.

fast [(1) moving or working atgreat speed; (2) quick]

He said he could run as fast as arace horse. (1)

My dog is a fast eater. (2)

fat [(1) tissue in the bodies ofhumans and animals used to store energy and to keep warm; (2) thick; (3) heavy]

She stays thin by not eating anyfat. (1)

Her dog looks fat, but all pugslook like that. (2)

The professor has published a fatbook on world history. (3)

father [(1) the male parent; (2)a man who has a child or children]

Her father lives with them. (1)

Are you a father? (2)

fear [(1) to be afraid; (2) toworry that something bad is near or may happen; (3) a strong emotion when thereis danger or trouble]

He feared what he could not see.(1)

He feared falling down. (2)

He had a fear that he would falldown. (3)

federal [of or having to do witha national or central government]

She works for the federalgovernment as a tax collector.

feed [to give food to]

How many times a day do you feedyour dog?

feel [(1) to have or experiencean emotion; (2) to know by touching]

I feel sad because he is so faraway. (1)

I feel sand between my toes. (2)

female [(1) a woman or girl; (2)the sex that gives birth; (3) of or about women]

With a wife and three daughters,he was surrounded by females. (1)

Females have babies. (2)

Universities provide more supportnow for female sports programs. (3)

fence [something around an areaof land to keep animals or people in or out]

The farmer put up a new fencearound the field.

fertile [(1) rich in productionof plants or animals; (2) producing much]

The farmer's fertile soilproduces huge crops. (1)

The writer has a fertileimagination. (2)

few [(1) not many; (2) a smallnumber of]

Few people have ever seen such anunusual bird. (1)

I have a few ideas about how tosolve the problem. (2)

field [an area of open land,usually used to grow crops or to raise animals]

The farmer kept cows in two ofhis fields.

fierce [(1) extremely strong; (2)violent; (3) angry]

The fierce storm caused muchdamage. (1)

The soldiers fought fiercely. (2)

The angry demonstrators shoutedfiercely. (3)

fight [(1) to use violence orforce; (2) to attempt to defeat or destroy an enemy;(3) the use of force; (4) abattle]

The two boys were fighting aboutwho would be first. (1)

The two armies fought fiercely todestroy each other. (2)

The fighting failed to push rebelforces from the city. (3)

The two sides exchanged chargesin the continuing political fight. (4)

fill [to put or pour somethinginto a container until there is space for no more]

Jack filled his cup with hotcoffee.

film [(1) to record something soit can be seen again; (2) to make a motion picture or movie; (3) a thin pieceof material for making pictures with a camera; (4) a movie]

He filmed the complete ceremony.(1)

She filmed the movie in New York.(2)

My camera needs more film. (3)

My favorite film is "SavingPrivate Ryan." (4)

final [(1) at the end; (2) last]

Tomorrow is the final day ofwinter. (1)

We won our final baseball game ofthe season.(2)

financial [of or about the systemthat includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks]

The growing political crisiscould weaken our financial system.

find [(1) to discover or learnsomething by searching or by accident; (2) to decide a court case]

He found a new book by hisfavorite writer. (1)

The jury found the man guilty ofmurder. (2)

fine [(1) a payment ordered by acourt to punish someone for a crime; (2) very good; (3) very small or thin]

The court ordered him to pay a500-dollar fine. (1)

She did fine work for ourcompany. (2)

He drew a fine line under theword. (3)

finish [(1) to complete; (2) toend]

He finished reading the book. (1)

She finished her cup of tea. (2)

fire [(1) to shoot a gun; (2) theheat and light produced by something burning]

He fired a warning shot andshouted, "Police." (1)

The fire warmed our hands. (2)

fireworks [rockets producingbright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations]

We watched the fireworks forthirty minutes.

firm [not easily moved orchanged]

She is firm in her opinion.

first [coming before all others]

Tom was the first person I saw.

fish [a creature that lives andcan breathe in water]

How many fish did you catch?

fit [to be of the correct size orshape]

These shoes fit my feet.

fix [to make good or right again]

He was able to fix his carwithout help.

flag [a piece of colored clothused to represent a nation, government or organization]

The United States flag has fiftystars.

flat [(1) smooth; (2) having nohigh places]

He paints pictures on flat piecesof wood. (1)

The land is flat in most parts ofthe state of Kansas. (2)

flee [to run away from]

He tried to flee but the policecaught him.

float [(1) to be on water withoutsinking; (2) to move or be moved gently on water or through air]

The boat floated on top of thewater. (1)

The balloon rose into the air andfloated away. (2)

flood [(1) to cover with water;(2) the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land]

The rising waters flooded much ofthe town. (1)

The flood began to go down whenthe rain stopped. (2)

floor [(1) the bottom part of aroom for walking on; (2) the level of a building]

The book fell to the floor. (1)

The fire was on the first floor.(2)

flow [to move like a liquid]

The oil flowed through theengine.

flower [the colored part ofplants that carry seeds]

The field was covered by blue andred flowers.

fluid [any substance that canflow, such as a liquid]

The fluid on the floor was aharmless chemical.

fly [(1) to move through the airwith wings, like a bird or airplane; (2) to travel in an airplane or flyingvehicle]

Birds fly high in the sky. (1)

Walter will fly to Los Angelestomorrow morning. (2)

fog [a mass of wet air that isdifficult to see through]

The fog slowed traffic forseveral hours.

follow [(1) to come or go after;(2) to accept the rule or power of; (3) to obey]

He asked us to follow him to hishouse. (1)

He follows the teachings of theRoman Catholic Church. (2)

The official said he followed theorders of the President's lawyer. (3)

food [that which is taken in byall living things for energy, strength and growth]

He wanted to get food for hungrypeople.

fool [(1) to make someone believesomething that is not true; (2) to trick; (3) a person who is tricked easily]

Her lies fooled a lot of people.(1)

He fooled people to get what hewanted. (2)

Being tricked made him feel likea fool. (3)

foot [the part of the body thattouches the ground when a person or animal walks]

Her foot hurts because shestepped on a sharp rock.

for [(1) because of; (2) inexchange; (3) through space or time; (4) representative of; (5) to be employedby]

He is famous for his work. (1)

Give me one dollar for the book.(2)

They traveled for one hour. (3)

I speak for all people. (4)

She works for a computer company.(5)

force [(1) to make someone dosomething or make something happen by using power; (2) power, strength; (3)strength used against a person or object; (4) military power of a nation; (5) amilitary group]

They forced him to go with them.(1)

The bomb exploded with greatforce. (2)

He used powerful force to liftthe fallen tree from her body. (3)

The President said he will usethe full force of the country against foreign invaders. (4)

A Navy and Marine Corps landingforce is on its way to the troubled island. (5)

foreign [(1) of, about or fromanother nation; (2) not from one's own place or country]

The United States has diplomaticrelations with almost every foreign nation. (1)

Foreign products seem to costless than most products made here. (2)

forest [a place of many trees]

New laws prevent companies fromcutting all the trees in the forest.

forget [to not remember]

The man was in trouble because heforgot his wedding anniversary.

forgive [(1) to pardon; (2) toexcuse; (3) to remove guilt]

A pardon by the Presidentforgives a criminal for the crime. (1)

I forgive you for taking my car.(2)

Please forgive me for being late.(3)

form [(1) to make; (2) to start;(3) to shape; (4) a kind]

We formed a plan before startingthe project. (1)

They formed a swim team. (2)

She formed the clay bottle withher hands. (3)

Swimming is a form of exercise.(4)

former [(1) earlier in time; (2)not now]

At a former time, Philadelphiawas the national capital. (1)

His former wife lives across thestreet from him. (2)

forward [(1) the direction infront of; (2) toward the front]

The group with the flags was 10meters forward of the rest of the parade. (1)

The men stepped forward when thesergeant commanded, "Forward, march." (2)

free [(1) to release; (2) notcontrolled by another or by outside forces; (3) not in prison; (4) independent;(5) not limited by rules; (6) without cost]

He was freed at the end of thetrial. (1)

For the first time, she felt freeas a bird. (2)

He was a free man after beingfound not guilty.  (3)

The United States is a freenation. (4)

After his final day of studies,he was free from all the rules of school. (5)

The prize she won was a free ridein an airplane. (6)

freedom [the condition of beingfree]

Many people in history have diedfor freedom.

freeze [(1) to cause or to becomevery cold; (2) to make or to become hard by cold]

You will freeze unless you wear acoat. (1)

She freezes food and stores it inher freezer. (2)

fresh [(1) newly made orgathered; (2) recent]

His garden produces freshvegetables every day. (1)

The lawyer criticized the freshevidence found by police. (2)

friend [a person one likes andtrusts]

The two men have been friends formore than fifty years.

frighten [to cause great fear]

Loud noises frighten my daughter.

from [(1) having a person, placeor thing as a beginning or cause; (2) at a place distant, not near; (3) becauseof]

It is a message from thepresident. (1)

The school is five kilometers frommy home. (2)

He is suffering from cancer. (3)

front [(1) the forward part; (2)the opposite of back; (3) the beginning; (4) the first part]

The front of her house needspainting. (1)

She wanted to sit in the front ofthe bus, not in the back. (2)

They were at the front of theline waiting to buy tickets. (3)

He said the best part was towardthe front of the book. (4)

fruit [food from trees andplants]

Much of the fruit fell from thetree.

fuel [any substance burned tocreate heat or power]

Which kind of fuel do you use toheat your home?

full [(1) containing as much as aperson or thing can hold; (2) complete]

The gasoline tank is full. (1)

He will spend the full week awayfrom the office. (2)

fun [anything that is pleasingand causes happiness]

The children had fun at thebirthday party.

funeral [a ceremony held inconnection with the burial or burning of the dead]

After the funeral, thePresident's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

future [(1) time after now; (2)in the time to come]

We can talk about it in thefuture. (1)

All future meetings will be heldin this room. (2)

