


Elementary ‐ Intermediate ‐ Volleyball (C0093)
A: It’s a beautiful day here in New Zealand at the Men’s Volleyball world championship. My name is Rick Fields and I’m joined by the man with the plan, Bob Copeland.
B: Thank you, Rick. We’ve got a very exciting encounter ahead of us today as two powerhouse teams, Brazil and China, face off against each other and try to qualify for the next round. Without a doubt, both teams are in top shape and this will prove to be a competitive match.
A: The ref signals the start of the game and here we go. Ribeiro serves and China quickly receives the ball. Chen bumps it to the setter, and... a very nice set by Chen!
B: Xu spikes it! Wow, what a great hit! The Brazilian blockers anticipated the play and tried to block him but he managed to get the ball in! Great play.
A: It’s China’s service now. What a superb jump serve by Li, oh, and we have a let serve. The ball was coming in fast and almost made it over the net.
B: Brazil calls for a time out and we’ll be right back, after a short commercial break.

  • 鹅梨酱

    0093D Volleyball 排球 Vacabunary preview: 1、Exciting encounter: meeting of 2 people or 2 team. 遭遇 2、A powerhouse: 劲旅 team company people 都可用 Language take away: 1.Bump: 主持人解释是用双肘前侧面击球 2.set:运球??这个真的没听懂,求大神解答 3.spike the ball:扣球 4.service: oppotunity to start the ball 5.jump service: 高抛球,跳起来击球 6.let service:重发球 Fluency building 1.Ahead of us:sth.will happened in nearly future 2.with out a doubt: obviously 3.sth will prove to be : we shall see and sure,demonstrate 4.a great play:every is moving toward the goal

    caroline123 回复 @鹅梨酱: bump垫球,set传球,setter二传手

  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • 鹅梨酱

    太快了 这些运动比赛的解说 简直跟不上

    Super_Mario_ 回复 @鹅梨酱: 是啊。运动类的,特殊词汇也多。

  • 十七yk


  • 侧耳倾听0818

    I had an incredible encounter with my best friend last night Powerhouse team/person/company Bump Set Spike: hit the ball very hard and fast China’s service A let serve We have a long day ahead of us Without a doubt This will prove to be a competitive match Great play

  • 抱着猫的老鼠_


  • 一江秋水的涛


  • 阿胖宋

    1.encounter:an exciting meeting 2.to bump:put your hands together and hit it with the forth arm 3. jump serve 4.let lump

    大盗麦格纳 回复 @粉面包: forearm “小臂/前臂”吧,“力臂”是什么鬼?又不是机械

  • 达也那些慵懒美好的日


  • 天富汇达
