Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ 1950’s (C0092)
A: Heya, Tracy. How are you doin’?
B: I’m swell, Sandy!
A: Hey listen, you wanna go to the sock hop with me this Friday? It’ll be a blast!
B: First of all it’s the Sadie Hawkins dance. The girls gotta ask the guys. Also...
A: Oh, right. So when are you gonna ask me? I’ve had my eye on you for a while.
C: Hey, buddy. Ease off my girl, man. Or do you want a knuckle-sandwich?
B: Cool it, guys.
A: Your girl? Says who?
C: Says me, pipsqueak!
Annatingbella 回复 @Annatingbella: 下载重装,就有了😝
青春逗_8v 回复 @听友25392848:
heya=hi you swell=great (old fashion) cool it=relax/ take easy eg: You need to cool it and stop yelling on me. Knuckle sandwich: hit you on my fist pipsqueak: small person who is not powerful
heya=hi swell=great
Keep it up!
Vacabunary preview: Sock hop: school dance Sadie hawkins dance: a party the girl invite the guys Language take away: Heya: Hi I’m swell: I’m great Cool it: relax Knuckle Sandwich: do you want my fist Pipsquak:small person not strong Fluency building It’ll be a blast(疾风): really fun! Have my eye on sb. Sth: you want it Ease of my girl: relax stand way from...
EllaLiu_RG 回复 @赤鸢南归: It will be blest! very fun! It’s entertaining.