

Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ Swim faster! (C0061)<br> A: This is such a beautiful day! Great for sailing!<br> B: It sure is! The water looks so nice! Anchor the boat for a little while. I’m going to take a dip.<br> A: Why are you doggy-paddling? I taught you how to swim! Do your breast stroke!<br> B: I get too tired! I’ll just backstroke, it’s easier!<br> A: Try kicking your legs more. That’s good. Don’t go out too far!<br> B: It’s Jump in!<br> A: Kathy! Get back here! I see a shark!<br> B: Ahhhh!!!! Help me! Help! Bring the boat closer! The shark is coming straight towards me!<br> A: It’s right under you! Kathy!!!!!
  • 敏于行_iu

    1.sailing: traveling in a boat  ##2. anchor:  is  the  hook  that you throw over the boat into the water and keeps you staying in the same place (n.); anchor the boat (v.)  ##3. doggy-paddling:  swimming  like  a dog;  breast strike: swimming like a frog ; backstroke: lying on your back in the water

    Stefanie_YU 回复 @敏于行_iu: 一起加油

  • 敏于行_iu

    4. take a dip: have a quick swim in the pool /lake /ocean   dip: 浸,泡  ##5. for a little while: for a short time  ##6. (coming) straight towards (me): coming directly at me, moving in a line,  not moving from side to side 

    BelieveMe_eg 回复 @敏于行_iu: 加油

  • 1519898myak


  • expiredcereal

    之前:😴😴😴🥱🥱🥱🥱 之后:😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

  • X_Kristin

    Anchor the boat 抛锚停船 For a little time=for a short time Take a dip游一会儿泳 Doggy-padding狗刨式游泳 Breast stroke 蛙泳 Back stroke 仰泳

  • 润东听书


  • 首席冬瓜王子

    doggy-paddling. breast stroke. back stroke

  • MickKelly22


  • 听友36644114

    听了40多期了,受益匪浅,但是有时候有些单词没听懂,只能顺着中文意思去查。有时候会查不到。想着大家可以分享下。把难听出来的生词留个言。这期我觉得就 doggy pedaling. breast stoke.

    铁桜大人 回复 @听友36644114: 文本贴在后面了,你可以对照看一下哦

  • Harryyl
