4. course of study: a plan / path of study; track: path /direction of study; hence: (conjunction,formal) consequence; pursue: purchase: strive: fight /try very hard #5. a great bride experience: variety of experience #6. supervise, coordinated, implement, seminar: 讨论会,研讨班;churn: 搅拌,搅动
Perhaps_75 回复 @敏于行_iu: 应该是a great breadth of experience
62 job interview 2 1.major 可以做v. I majored in History. 2.minor 3.Course of study Plan of study 4.track The direction of your study 5.hence
主持人说的advanced lesson 所以应该是E
听友192471302 回复 @angel12388: Indeed, you can smell farts across the screen.
1393959hdoj 回复 @1393959hdoj: (^_−)−☆
major:the main subject you study in university major in minor: smaller than major a bachelor's degree the master's degree the PHD course of study:a plan of study track of study:path or direction of study hence:therefore persue:chase after strive:to try really hard
6.pursue To chase after sth Pursue a degree 7.to strive Try very hard //we are striving to improve our services 8.great breadth of experience //you have a wide variety of experience 9.three in one deal
1. major: (n.) main subject that you study in university; (v.) major in history /science #2. minor: smaller than major #3. bachelor’s degree: you get after you going into university for four years; master’s degree: two years after your bachelor’s degree; PHD: another five years
什锦大列巴小小狐狸花 回复 @达也那些慵懒美好的日: 白嫖还那么理直气壮我是没想到的