

Elementary ‐ The Office ‐ Job Interview III (C0065)<br> A: Very good. Now, I have a couple of final questions.<br> B: I hope they’re not too hard!<br> A: Well, why should we hire you?<br> B: I think that I would be a perfect fit in this company. I have a unique combination of strong technical acumen, and outstanding soft skills; you know, I excel at building strong, long-term customer relationships. For example, when I headed the customer support department in my previous company, our team solved about seventy percent of our customers’ problems. I decided that we needed better information and technical preparation on our products, so after I implemented a series of training sessions in coordination with our technical department, we were able to solve ninety percent of our customers’ issues. Given the opportunity, I could bring this kind of success to this company.<br> A: Impressive! So, what would you consider to be your greatest weakness?<br> B: To be honest, I struggle with organization and time management. Punctuality has never been a strength of mine. I find it hard to organize my time efficiently. I have actually addressed this weakness recently, by attending a workshop on efficient time management. It helped me a lot, by providing me with great insights on how to get organized and use my time efficiently, so I think I’m getting better now.<br> A: Great... Well, let me tell you that I am very pleased with this interview. We are short-listing our candidates this week, and next week we will inform our short listed candidates of the day and time for a second interview with our CEO.<br> B: Great, thanks a lot! I hope to hear from you! Good bye.
  • 敏于行_iu

    1. technical acumen:insight and understanding technical issues ##2. excel at something: be good at something ##3. head: was the leader ##4. struggle: have difficulty in doing something ##5. punctuality: on time always ##6. address: deal with the problem

  • 敏于行_iu

    7. I think that I would be a perfect fit in this company. ##8. Given the opportunity, I could bring this kind of success to this company. ##9. impressive:印象深刻的,钦佩的;

  • Airs福


    杂百家 回复 @Airs福: 增加趣味而已

  • SeikoYuri


  • 100个丝瓜


    100个丝瓜 回复 @100个丝瓜: The teacher for____ class, I struggled not to laugh.

  • 出发了8


  • GloriaYu_圣香

    Job Interview Tips III: 1. When talking about your greatest weakness, do not say "I work too much" or "I'm a workaholic" or "I'm a perfectionist." Those are silly answers, because everyone has a weakness, don't try to make it a strength. Instead, be honest to say your weakness, and show what you are doing to solve it. 2. Think about your greatest strength, say more specific than "I'm responsible."

  • 达也那些慵懒美好的日


  • 挪威森林777


    Jerry_Wang666 回复 @挪威森林777: 被面试的人

  • stan0

    面试官说的最后一句话,里面的the day and time这个什么意思?