


《The Little Match Girl》。《卖火柴的小女孩》讲述了一个在寒冷的除夕夜卖火柴的小女孩的悲惨遭遇。小女孩又冷又饿,却不敢回家,因为她没有卖掉一根火柴,怕受到父亲的责罚。她在街头一次次划着火柴,在火光中看到了温暖的火炉、美味的烤鹅、美丽的圣诞树以及疼爱她的奶奶。最后,小女孩在幻想中与奶奶一起飞向天堂,摆脱了痛苦。
This story tells the tragic experience of a little girl who sells matches on a cold New Year's Eve. The little girl is cold and hungry but dare not go home because she hasn't sold a single match and is afraid of being punished by her father. She strikes matches on the street again and again. In the light of the matches, she sees a warm stove, delicious roast goose, beautiful Christmas tree and her loving grandma. Finally, the little girl flies to heaven with her grandma in her fantasy and gets rid of her pain.

正文:Little Match Girl Chapter 1 Her cold little home 冰冷的家
The little girl lives with her mother and father. The wind comes in through the walls of their cold little house. 
'Anne Marie,' the girl's mother cries one day.
 'We've got no money. Go out and sell some matches!':
 'Yes, Mother,' 
her daughter says. She puts some matches into her old apron. Then she puts her feet into some shoes near the front door. 
'Don't come back without any money,' her father says.
 ' I'm taking my belt to your back!'  
'No, Father,' 
the little girl answers. She remembers her father's last beating, and she is afraid. The little girl opens the door. She goes out into the cold street. It is snowing. The shoes on her feet are very big for her. That is because they are her mother's shoes. 
When the little girl walks across the road, two coaches go past very quickly. 'Hey! Move!' cries one of the coach drivers angrily. She runs across the road. The shoes fall from her feet. She looks for them at once. But she can't find one shoe in the snow...and a street boy takes the second shoe in his hands. 'When I'm older, my children can sleep in this little bed!' he laughs. Then he runs away with the shoe. The little girl now walks over the snow in her bare feet. They are very cold and blue. 'Buy my matches!' she cries. But nobody buys any matches from her. No one gives her any money. It is very cold now. Snow is falling, and the sky is darker. It is the last night of the year. 

