卖火柴的小女孩 -4(蜡烛和星星

卖火柴的小女孩 -4(蜡烛和星星


《Little Match Girl》Candles and Stars 蜡烛和星星

But then the flame from the second match dies. Now the little girl can see only the cold house wall in front of her. She lights a third match. Now she is sitting under the most beautiful Christmas tree. It is bigger and nicer than the one in the window of the old merchant's home last Christmas. There are thousands of candles all over the green tree. And there are beautiful little pictures in different colours, too. The little girl puts out her hand for them.  Then the flame of the match dies. But the Christmas lights stay. They go up before the girl's eyes. She sees them now up in the sky: they are the stars. Just then, a star falls. It makes a yellow line across the sky. Someone is dying,' the little girl thinks. She remembers her grandmother, and the old woman's love for her. The kind old woman is now dead. But the little girl can't forget her grandmother's words to her, 'When a star falls, a soul is going up to God.

