


The spring and the summer never come to the Giant's garden. The Autumn brings golden apples to most people's gardens, but to the Giant's garden she brings nothing. 'I don't give to selfish people,' she says. So it is always winter there. And the North Wind, the Hail, the Frost and the Snow run about in it. One morning, when the Giant opens his eyes in bed, he hears some music. 'That's beautiful!' he cries. 'But what is it?' A little bird is singing near his window – that's all. But after the long winter in his garden, the Giant can't remember the noise very well. Then the Hail stops hitting the roof, and the North Wind is quiet. Suddenly a wonderful perfume comes to the Giant through the open window. 'The spring's here at last, I think!' he cries. Then he gets up and looks out. What a wonderful thing! The children are coming into the garden through a little hole in the wall, and they are sitting in the trees. And the trees are happy because the children are back. They begin to blossom and move their arms about. The birds are singing happily in the sky. The flowers are coming out of the ground and laughing. But far across the garden – in one corner – it isn't spring. A young boy is standing there. There is frost and snow on his tree, and he cannot get up into it. So he is crying. 

