33 Life is too short to worry about stupid things

33 Life is too short to worry about stupid things


累坏了!在美丽的杜布罗夫尼克旧城海港稍作休息 | 环欧火车旅行第27集

I’m exhausted! Taking a break in beautiful Dubrovnik

**Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, regret nothing and never let anyone bring you down.人生苦短,不必担心愚蠢的事情。玩得开心,不要后悔,不要让任何人把你打倒。

Due to the bus being delayed, the three hour ride turned into a six hour ride. I arrived in Dubrovnik in the evening and had to find my apartment lugging my suitcases across the old town. I was immediately impressed, though. The old town was complete and I could find an entrance to a 16th century stone wall. Along the way I discovered that they contained the old buildings and churches very well. 


After I arrived at my apartment, I cooked myself a healthy meal and felt content and got ready for bed. The next day, I woke up to this idyllic harbor view from my window. I also booked a walking tour from Airbnb experience. 


Kresmir was my guide that day. I met him at the entrance of the old town. I was the only guest. Kresmir ran a farm and airbnb business in the suburbs of Dubrovnik, and occasionally ran guided tours for the tourists in town. 


He told me many stories about Dubrovnik and we walked around every corner of the old town. I think when you arrive in a new place, hiring a guide could be a very rewarding experience. If I were walking alone by myself, I would miss so many details related to architecture. Some people might think it’s not important, however, I would not make a connection quickly with a place where I only stay for a short time. He was very nice. After the guided tour he even invited me to white coffee in a cosy coffee house. 


It was the right decision to do the tour because after that, it rained for two days in Dubrovnik. It finally cleared up on the day I was leaving for Italy. However, I also regained the strength I needed to keep going. I was ready for my next stop in Italy.


Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! 

In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Italy.



