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Hey Robin, how are you?

Today I'm good, thanks for asking. What's on your mind?

Well, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have a friend named Lily in our class. She's a really sweet girl but she doesn't feel beautiful compared to other classmates. It's like she's always shy to talk to others and hesitates to join in group activities.

I see, that's a tough situation. But you know, beauty is subjective. It's not just about how someone looks on the outside, it's also about their personality, their character, and their actions.

I completely agree with you Robin, but it's hard to convince her of that. She's very hard on herself and doesn't feel like she measures up to other people's standards of beauty.

I understand. Maybe we can help her see that she's beautiful in her own unique way. We can encourage her to focus on her strengths and talents. We can tell her how much we value her kindness, sense of humor, and intelligence.

That's a great idea. I think we can also help her build her confidence by including her in group activities and introducing her to new people. Sometimes all it takes is a little push to get someone out of their shell.

Definitely. And we can also remind her that it's okay to be different. In fact, our differences are what make us interesting and special. We can celebrate her individuality and help her see that it's something to be proud of.

I love the way you think Robin. You always know how to make me see things in a different light. I'm really grateful to have you as a friend.

Oh, thanks Rea. I feel the same way. Friends are supposed to lift each other up, right?

Exactly. And I think we can do that for Lily. With our support and encouragement, I'm sure she'll start to see herself in a better light.

I have no doubt about that Reika. Let's make a plan to include her more in our activities and show her how much we value her as a friend.

You're right Robin. It's amazing how a little bit of encouragement can go a long way in helping someone see their own worth.

Exactly. And it's important to remember that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We shouldn't be judging ourselves or others based on their appearance.

That's true. I think the media and society at large can play a big role in shaping our perceptions of beauty. It's important to be aware of that and take steps to challenge those norms.

Absolutely. We need to celebrate diversity and embrace individuality. I think that's something we can all work on, not just for ourselves but for others as well.

I completely agree with you Robin. It's important to be kind and supportive of others, especially those who may be struggling with their self-esteem.

Yes, and we can also be good role models for others by practicing self-love and self-acceptance ourselves. When we value ourselves, we set an example for others to do the same.

That's a great point Robin. It's like the old saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup. We need to take care of ourselves first in order to be able to take care of others.

Exactly. It's all about balance. We need to find a way to prioritize both our own needs and the needs of others.

I couldn't agree more. I feel like I've learned so much from this conversation Robin. Thank you for being such an amazing friend.

The feeling is mutual Ronica. I'm glad we can have these kinds of conversations and support each other through life's challenges. That's what true friendship is all about.

