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Carl: Hi Sue

Sue: Hi Carl

Carl: is Dan Mitchell in one of your classes?

Sue: Yes, he's in my introductory English class. Why do you ask?

Carl: He's been missing a lot of his history classes lately. I'm getting concerned. I think he's been playing hooky and I might have to fail him because of his poor attendance.

Sue: Are you sure he's got in class? He has attended all of my classes.

Carl: Yes, I saw him in the hallway talking to one of his friends before class, then he never showed up to class. I'm afraid he's fallen behind at this point. He already missed a pop quiz and several assignments I handed out. If he does come back to class, he's going to have to do a lot of work to catch up.

Sue: That's really strange. He seems like a very good student to me. He picks things up quickly. He's aced every assignment.

Carl: I'm really worried about him. He's only a freshman and if he keeps skipping his classes then he might not graduate. He would have to drop out of school.

Sue: Why don't you ask him why he's been absent? He seems like such a hard worker and eager beaver in my class, so I'm sure there is a good explanation.

Carl: I hope you're right. I'll go talk to him.

Dan's Friend: Hey Dan, do you want to hang out after school today? I was going to go see the new superhero movie.

Dan: I can't. I have to hit the books tonight. I'm trying to make the grade in English class.

Dan's Friend: You study too much. You always have your nose in a book. I bet you know everything by heart now.

Dan: Not quite. I want to make sure I'm prepared. What about you? I've never seen you crack a book before.

Dan's Friend: I read over my assignments right before class to keep them fresh in my mind.

Dan: What if you have a lot more work to do? You can't do everything at the last minute.

Dan's Friend: Sometimes I have to pull an all-nighter if I have a lot of work to do. But I always turn in my assignments on time.

Dan: My parents told me that I can't afford to goof around. They want me to be in the top of my class at graduation.

Dan's Friend:: Wow, that's a lot of pressure. But can't you skip studying just this once?

Dan: No, I can't. I learned my lesson at the beginning of the semester. I put off studying and I bombed my tests. My parents were so mad.

Dan's Friend: I hate pop quizzes. Their purpose is to catch us off guard to see if we've been studying. If I don't know a test is coming, I get a low grade on it.

Dan: I feel the same way about them. They are enough to keep me on edge every day at school. That's why I prefer scheduled quizzes. Anyway, I had to drop out of one of my classes so that I could pull my grade back up.

Dan's Friend: Really? What class did you drop?

Dan: History. It's much better to drop it than failing it or getting a C or D in it. But I'm going to retake it next semester. I'll study more during the Christmas break to catch up.

Dan's Friend: Well, you've become quite a bookworm. You should get an A for effort.

Dan: I hope my teachers agree.

