chpt 10 WHAT’S NEXT? - 4

chpt 10 WHAT’S NEXT? - 4


Back in the first chapter, we referred to our baby as a hope for the future. Yet we are not waiting for them to solve the problems that we have helped create.

It is together, with our baby, our child, our teenager, our young adult, that we can create a better world.

If we can raise them with this love, respect, and gentle hands, this is how they will learn to treat others. They will love, not hate; they will build bridges, not walls; they will work with nature, not use it up or destroy it.

Let’s walk together with our family, with the next family, with our neighbor, with someone who thinks differently. Let’s see and accept each other. Let’s find ways to work together to meet all our needs.

Let’s join Dr. Montessori in her wish for peace in all humankind.

“I beg the dear all-powerful children to unite with me for the building of peace in Man and in the World.”

—inscription on Dr. Maria Montessori’s grave in Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands

