Global Times|邯郸初中生被杀害案嫌疑人全部抓获

Global Times|邯郸初中生被杀害案嫌疑人全部抓获

Global Times|邯郸初中生被杀害案嫌疑人全部抓获
All suspects apprehended in the case of 13-year-old boy killed by classmates
Mar 18 from Global Times

In a case of the 13-year-old boy who was killed on March 10th, the suspects involved were all captured the next day and taken into custody, the joint working group responsible for the case said on Sunday night.

According to media reports, the case involves a seventh-grade boy Xiao Guang (pseudonym) who was killed and buried by his three classmates of the same age in Handan, North China’s Hebei Province. The murdered boy reportedly suffered from long-term school violence. Wang's father said Xiao Guang had previously expressed his reluctance to go to school but the parents did not take it seriously and did not realize that the boy had been bullied for a long time at school.
据媒体报道,该案件涉及一名七年级男生小光(化名) ,他在邯郸被三名同龄同学杀害并埋葬。据报道,被谋杀的男孩长期遭受校园暴力。王父说,小光此前曾表示不愿意上学,但家长没有当回事,也没有意识到这个男孩在学校被欺负了很长时间。

According to the victim’s father, the boy left home at around 1 pm on March 10 and lost contact with his family around 5 pm. The boy’s family members searched for him for five hours until 10 pm but there was no sign of his whereabouts. After receiving reports, the police found through surveillance that Xiao Guang was hanging out with three male students, who unanimously denied that they had met the boy.

Through checking Xiao Guang’s WeChat messages, the father found that his son had transferred some money to one of the three suspects. Facing with the evidence of surveillance and money transferring records, the three students admitted that Xiao Guang was buried in an abandoned vegetable shed. The boy’s body was recovered with his face badly destroyed by the shovel, according to the report.

This case quickly caused a sensation on Chinese social media after being reported by the media outlets. In particular, the stark contrast between the suspects’ age and their behaviors in the details of the case has sparked calls to increase punishment for juvenile offenders.

apprehend 逮捕,拘捕
take into custody 拘留
pseudonym 化名,非本名的名称
no sign of one's whereabouts 下落不明
surveillance 监视,盯梢
hang out 指伙伴之间闲逛或玩耍
unanimously 一致地
vegetable shed 蔬菜棚
shovel 铲子
cause a sensation 引起轰动
stark contrast 鲜明对比,反差
juvenile offender 未成年犯,少年犯
