Global Times|四川高校推出七天春假,鼓励享受大自然

Global Times|四川高校推出七天春假,鼓励享受大自然

College initiates 7-day spring break to encourage students to enjoy nature
Mar 20 from Global Times
A college in Sichuan Province, Southwest China, is offering students a seven-day spring break to encourage them to enjoy the beauty of nature and experience extracurricular fun, which has attracted widespread online discussion.

Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation in Chengdu announced that students and faculty members will have a week-long break from March 30 to April 5, including the three-day Qingming Festival holidays, according to the statement published by the school on March 14.

The school has been implementing the spring break system since 2019, and the decision to encourage students to go out and appreciate green mountains and clear waters, as well as experience the beauty of nature, is part of their efforts to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

According to the school officials, the spring break will not affect the regular class schedule. A spokesperson for school revealed that the holidays, since first introduced, are warmly welcomed by teachers and students and widely praised by society.

Online discussions on students having more extracurricular activities, like a spring break, was trending on social media platforms. Some in the tourism sector have also called for staggered vacation periods to alleviate the demand-supply imbalance in the tourism sector.

spring break 春假
extracurricular 课外的
Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation 四川西南航空职业学院
green mountains and clear waters 青山绿水
class schedule 课程安排,课表
stagger 使(工作、假期)错开;使交错
demand-supply imbalance 供需失衡
