63集 initiatory step this evening

63集 initiatory step this evening


At the top of an extra page (quite a treasure, probably, whenfirst lighted on) I was greatly amused to behold an excellent caricature of myfriend Joseph,--rudely, yet powerfully sketched. An immediate interest kindledwithin me for the unknown Catherine, and I began forthwith to decipher herfaded hieroglyphics.

commence /kəˈmens/ 开始

detestable [dɪˈtestəbl]  可憎的; 可恨的

Hindley [ˈhɪndli]  辛德雷

substitute [ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt]  代理人

atrocious [əˈtrəʊʃəs]凶恶的; 残暴的

initiatory  [ɪ'nɪʃɪətərɪ]开始的

`An awful Sunday!’ commenced the paragraph beneath. `I wish myfather were back again. Hindley is a detestable substitute his conduct toHeathcliff is atrocious--H. and I are going to rebel--we took our initiatorystep this evening.

