54集 in his habitual moroseness

54集 in his habitual moroseness


choke /tʃəʊk/  (使)窒息

`Well, Mr Earnshaw,’ she cried, `I wonder what you’ll have agaitnext! Are we going to murder folk on our very doorstones? I see this house willnever do for me--look at t’ poor lad, he’s fair choking! Wisht, wisht! youmun’n’t go on so. Come in, and I’ll cure that; there now, hold ye still.’

accidental /ˌæksɪˈdentl/ 偶然的

merriment /ˈmerimənt/ 欢乐;欢笑

expire /ɪkˈspaɪə(r)/  失效,终止

habitual [həˈbɪtʃuəl]  习惯性的

moroseness [məˈrəʊsnɪs] 忧郁

With these words she suddenly splashed a pint of icy water downmy neck, and pulled me into the kitchen. Mr Heathcliff followed, his accidentalmerriment expiring quickly in his habitual moroseness.

