53集 against the young scoundrel

53集 against the young scoundrel


benevolent [bəˈnevələnt]  仁慈的

entertainer /ˌentəˈteɪnə(r)/  款待者

I don’t know what would have concluded the scene, had there notbeen one person at hand rather more rational than myself, and more benevolentthan my entertainer.

uproar /ˈʌprɔː(r)/  骚动

vocal [ˈvəʊkl]  发声的; 大声表达的

artillery /ɑːˈtɪləri/  火炮

scoundrel [ˈskaʊndrəl]  无赖; 恶棍

This was Zillah, the stout housewife; who at length issued forthto inquire into the nature of the uproar. She thought that some of them hadbeen laying violent hands on me; and, not daring to attack her master, sheturned her vocal artillery against the young scoundrel.

  • 山野伍樵夫

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