My Magic Hat Series Oct– Podcasting in the Classroom

My Magic Hat Series Oct– Podcasting in the Classroom


This year the EDU podcast is focusing innovative pedagogies in the form of teachers’ stories. We ask professors what new and exciting thing they are doing in their classrooms to engage students and enhance the learning environment. We want to know “what they are pulling out of their magic hat” and how they did it so others can try these techniques in their own classrooms.  

This episode focused on podcasting in the classroom.  We invited three professors from the Modern Languages Centre and the Design School to discuss how they are using podcasting in their classrooms.Here are some of the topics we covered:

· Using podcasting as an assessment for language learning 

· Using podcasting as a way to deliver content in the classroom 

· Why students love podcasts: both as listeners and as performers 

· How to grade podcast assessments and set up meaningful assignments 

· How to ensure that students listen to podcasts when they’re supposed to 

Guest Speakers of the Episode (from left to right): 

Sara BuesoAriño

Deputy Head of Spanish Division, Modern Languages Centre (MLC), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Alejandro Castellano

Head of Spanish Language Division, Modern Languages Centre (MLC) XJTLU,Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 

Jose Remón

Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Architecture, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University


Rebecca Wakelin, Educational Developer from EDU, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

