


Katy Perry’s ex-husband, Russell Brand, accused of rape andsexual assaults 


Comedian and actor Russell Brand has been accused of rape,sexual assaults and emotional abuse during a seven-year period at the height ofhis fame.

喜剧演员兼演员拉塞尔·布兰德被指控 在成名的七年期间,强奸、性侵犯和精神虐待。

The 48-year-old, who was born in Essex, surged to fame asthe host of Big Brother's Big Mouth, and went on to star in Hollywood films,marry and divorce one of the world's most famous pop stars, Katy Perry,  and was the cause of one of the biggestscandals in the BBC's history.

48 岁的布兰德因做《老大哥大嘴》主持人而名声大噪,随后又出演好莱坞电影,与全球最著名的流行歌星“水果姐”凯蒂·佩里结婚又离婚, 并引发了 BBC历史上最大的丑闻之一。

Four women are alleging sexual assaults between 2006 and2013. Brand has denied the allegations and said his relationships have been"always consensual". Other claims made as part of the investigationrelate to Brand's allegedly controlling, abusive and predatory behaviour.

四名女性指控2006 年至 2013 年间遭受性侵犯。布兰德否认了这些指控,并表示他发生的关系“始终是双方自愿的”。 调查提出的其他指控还包括布兰德涉嫌控制、虐待和掠夺的行为。

  • 听友206524576


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