



A short video series is racking up views in China, amplifying calls for the British Museum to return artefacts.

Titled Escape from the British Museum, the three-part series tells the story of a jade teapot coming alive and taking a human form as she tries to escape from the museum. 

While traditional media have scrambled to decode the secret of the series' success, social media users credit it to the relatable message of "homecoming".


1. rack up 积累,累计

2. views n. (本节)观看量,浏览量(viewing figures)

3. amplify /ˈæmpləfaɪ/ v. 放大,增强

· amplify a signal 放大信号

· amplify calls 放大呼声

4. artefact /ˈɑːrtəfækt/ n. 手工艺品(尤其是有历史或文化价值的)

5. a jade teapot 一盏玉壶

· jade /dʒeɪd/ n. 玉,玉器

· a collection of Chinese jade 一批中国玉器

· teapot /ˈtiːpɑːt/ n. 茶壶

6. scramble /ˈskræmb(ə)l/ v. 争着、抢着做

· scramble to do sth. 争着、抢着做某事

7. decode /diːˈkoʊd/ v. 解码,破译

8. credit…to… 把…..归功于…..

9. relatable /rɪˈleɪtəb(ə)l/ adj. 可明白的,可理解的

· The characters in the books are so relatable.


· relatable message 让大众很容易能够理解、接受的信息

10. homecoming /ˈhoʊmˌkʌmɪŋ/ n. 长时期离开后的归家,回到家乡

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