01 David Copperfield's childhood(3)

01 David Copperfield's childhood(3)


‘What a terrible name! However, never mind. Peggotty!’she called, going to the door.‘Bring Mrs Copperfield some tea at once!’ She sat down again and continued speaking.‘You were talking about the baby. I'm sure it'll be a girl. Now, as soon as she’ s born…’ ‘He, perhaps,’ said my mother bravely. ‘Don’ t be stupid, of course it’ ll be a she.I'm going to send her to school,and educate her well. I want to prevent her from making the mistakes I've made in life.’ Miss Betsey looked quite angry as she said this. My mother said nothing,as she was not feeling at all well.‘But tell me, were you and your husband happy?’asked Miss Betsey.
This made my poor mother feel worse than ever.‘I know I wasn't very sensible—about money—or cooking—or things like that!’ she sobbed.‘But we loved each other—and he was helping me to learn—and then he died!Oh!Oh!’And she fell back in her chair, completely unconscious.

  • Jiang_Daniel


  • 风风囡囡


  • 辽宁樱桃

    I like it. thanks for sharing this. Sounds are very good!