01 David Copperfield's childhood(7)

01 David Copperfield's childhood(7)


I spent a wonderfully happy two weeks there, playing all day on the beach with Emily,and sleeping in my own little bed on the ship. I am sure I was in love with little Emily in my childish way, and I cried bitterly when we had to say goodbye at the end of the holiday. But on the way home to Blunderstone, Peggotty looked at me very worriedly.‘Master David,my dear,’she said suddenly in a trembling voice.‘I must tell you—you'll have to know now… While we've been away, your dear mother—has married Mr Murdstone!He's your stepfather now!’ I was deeply shocked. I could not understand how my mother could have married that man.And when we arrived home, I could not help showing my mother how very miserable I was. I went straight to my room and lay sobbing on my bed,which made my poor mother very unhappy too. As she sat beside me, holding my hand, Mr Murdstone suddenly came in. 

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