02 David is sent away to school(1)

02 David is sent away to school(1)


2 David is sent away to school
I was very unhappy during this time. Mr Murdstone insisted on my studying, and so my mother gave me lessons. In the past she and I had enjoyed our studies together, and she had taught me a lot in her gentle way. But now both Mr and Miss Murdstone were present during my lessons, and somehow I could not concentrate or remember what I had learnt. My poor mother was very sympathetic,and tried to encourage me,sometimes even whispering the answer to me. But the Murdstones had sharp ears. ‘Clara,my love! ’Mr Murdstone used to say crossly.‘Remember!Be firm!You’ re making the boy's character worse by helping him like that!’ ‘Oh,Edward, I'm sorry,’my mother replied, looking embarrassed and hanging her head like a guilty child.
2 大卫被送往学校

  • 听友211971310

    广告太多 多的讨厌