【杨紫琼致哈佛2023毕业生(part 2)】我也可以成为荧幕上的功夫英雄

【杨紫琼致哈佛2023毕业生(part 2)】我也可以成为荧幕上的功夫英雄


Keynote speech by Michelle Yeoh to Harvard Law School Class of 2023

 (part 2: Know Your Limits.)

BGM: The Campfire --Peter B. Helland

歌曲推荐:Dancing With Your Ghost --Sasha Alex Sloan

Although understanding what you can do is essential, understanding what you can’t do is pretty important, too. This works on two levels – both internally and externally. Internally, knowing your limits keep you humble, motivated, and focused on a goal to point your finger toward. Externally, knowing the limits that are set for you by others give you a place to point a different finger. I am talking about the middle one. In other words, limitations set by yourself gives you boundaries to respect, but limitations set by others gives you boundaries to bust through.


As a young woman trying to break into a film in Hong Kong, I was confronted with limitations at every turn. Initially, cast in stereotypical roles, the demure, docile, damsel in distress, I soon realized that what I wanted to play were the action roles: The Heroes. Of course, these were then reserved exclusively for men, but I could see that the outfight sequences were highly choreographed, and I knew in my bones that my dance training would allow me to excel at them if only I were given the chance. So I went to my producer and said, I did say, “please, I want an action role.” I was prepared to do everything the men were doing, the choreography, the son’s checking the blows, the wire work, all of it. What, like it’s hard? But when the chance finally came, I knew it was make-or-break. I had a one-shot to prove my bankability as an action star and if I failed, I would not get that opportunity again. So I seized the moment with everything I had and as it turned out, thankfully, audiences were more than ready for a female star in action comedies. The film, “Yes Madam,” was well received and launched my career.

作为试图在香港电影圈发展的年轻女性,我时刻面临各种限制。最初,让我演的角色都很刻板,一色温顺端庄、等待被救的落难少女,但我很快意识到,我想演的是动作角色:各式英雄。当然,那些是为男演员专设的,但我看得出,这些打斗场面是经过精心编排的,我打骨子里知道,我有舞蹈训练的基础,只要给我机会,动作表演我可以轻松驾驭。于是,我找到制片人说,我就是这么说的:“拜托,我想演个武打角色。” 我准备好了做男演员要做的一切——动作编排、特技、挨打、吊威亚,所有的一切。但当机会终于来临时,我知道成败在此一举。我只有一次机会证明,作为动作明星我也能很卖座,如果失败,我不会再有这样的机会了。所以,我竭尽所能抓住了这个机会,结果,谢天谢地,观众们比预想中更能接受女演员出演动作喜剧。那部电影就是《皇家师姐》,影片大获成功,也正式开启了我的演艺生涯。

I knew I had it made it then, when I, soon after, I joined Jet Li and Jackie Chan as the three people who Hong Kong insurers refused to cover. They took one look at the scenes we were shooting and ran for the hills. I wore that as a badge of honor. Eventually, things progressed, and before I knew it, I was regularly running on rooftops, riding motorcycles onto moving trains, and rolling off vans onto oncoming traffic. Don’t try that at home, OK? There were injuries, as you can imagine, but with every nick and scratch, and bruise, and fractured vertebrae, I came back better and braver.


Learning how to fall teaches you how to land, and learning to land gives you the courage to jump higher. So when the James Bond producers knocked on my door about a film called “Tomorrow Never Dies,” I thought: “Yes, they want me to play James Bond!” I was fortunate that the producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson had a substantial role in mind in the character of Whalen, a formidable agent who was always one step of her adversaries and equal to Bond. Many regard that character as instrumental in modernizing the franchise and its retro-grade portrayals of women. So thank you, Barbara and Michael.


Although offers came in after the Bond movie, I waited two years for the proper role, rejecting scripts that lacked nuance or depth in their character. Honestly, there were times I had doubts as to whether I was doing the right thing in waiting. After all, actors want to act. However, I knew I would not be happy unless I continue to seek out roles that allowed me and like-minded creatives to dig deeper and reflect three-dimensional humanity on stage. And that was “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. So I must have done something right because I am busier than ever.


These examples illustrate the importance of limitations. Because our limitations become our challenges and there is nothing like a challenge to keep you working, striving, and pushing for more. Every demeaning role I was offered, every rejection I was handed, and every time someone underestimated me, I found energy and renewed motivation. This brings me to the third and final tip: find your people. 


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