What have I learnt about style? I've learnt that I had none before I embarked into this industry. I used to really enjoy wearing men's waistcoats, quite lurid colors with white jeans. But like mum jeans before they were cool. I wonder if I wore that now if I would be like a trailblazer. So I've learnt maybe that style is… I think it's an extension of who you are.
我是怎么找到自己的风格的?在踏入演艺圈前,我对时尚根本一无所知。以前我超爱穿男款马甲背心,专挑奇葩的死亡颜色,配上煞白的牛仔裤。还是老妈款牛仔裤,那时可不算啥潮款单品。要是我现在还那样穿,估计就是个时髦精了。所以我可能是从… 自我挖掘中找到自己风格的。
What I've learnt about my career specifically is that I think I realise quite early on that all you have in many ways that the choices that you make and you have no control over what happens。After you've made the choice to do a project and it should be completely personal to you.
I have learnt about that friendship should be…should allow for shape- shifting, and should allow for no judgement and the uncompromisingly loving, and supportive and fun, and easy.
I've learnt that confidence is actually very quiet and it's not in your face, and it's not chest-beating. It's very still and very quiet.
I've learnt about beauty that you should not… I, personally should not lie in the sun. I am naturally very pale, and I should just embrace it. So I would say I' ve learnt to not… I've learnt to wear sunscreen and embrace the pale.