【2023年5-8月话题】Wild animals 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Wild animals 附答案


Wild animals

Are there wild animals in your country?

1) It's undeniably, yes! Giant pandas(大熊猫),golden snub-nosed monkeys(金丝猴), and Siberian tigers(东北虎)are China's most popular rare wildlife(珍惜野生动物)by far. They are frequently seen in the South sincethe temperature in such provinces is much warm and tropical. Some of these wildanimals are living in conservatory zoos(温室动物园)and some of themare in therainforest(热带雨林)which has tropical weather with sufficientrainfall.

2)I’m afraid not, mainly because of our economic industrialization(经济工业化) and development, wildlife and their habitats are greatly endagered(威胁)and some areextinct(灭绝). The rising demand for land and farmland due to commercial buildingand factory constructions is the leading cause why wild animals are losingtheir habitats(栖息地) and genetic reproduction(遗传繁殖)

Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?

1)Indeed(确实), I was engrossed in(情有独钟于...)wild animals since childhood and visited theWanquan Forest Wild Animal Zoo in Shenyang, where I was drawn togiraffes(长颈鹿), tigers, andflamingos(烈火鸟). The zoo's humane treatment of animals impressed me, and I even fed andtook photos with them. However, I haven't been to any safaris yet due to safetyconcerns and restrictions.

2)It may be improbable(不可能)to some, but I have never been to a zoo,nor(也没有)a safari. When I was growing up, my parents would always say that theywere occupied with work and there were a lot oferrands(差事)to do, so I miss the boat(错失良机)! Now that I am a grown-up, I still have no chanceto visit one because of myhectic(繁重的)school work, not to mention that the zoos andsafaris are all miles away from(离...很远)myhometown. 

What is the animal you would like to see in thewild?

Ontop of mywishlist(我最期待的)is the king of the jungle(丛林之王), the lion! If I have the chance to go on a safari, I want to be anonlooker of thispredator(捕食者), and how they live, survive, reproduce, and hunttheir prey, far beyond what we usually read from books and watch on TV. As Ihave known, they can be found mostly in the grasslands of South and EastAfrica. I’m sure that thisonce-in-a-blue-moon(千载难逢) experience willbring a lot of fun for atravel-buff(旅行爱好者)like me!

Are there TV programs about wild animals in yourcountry?

1)Undoubtedly(毫无疑问), yes! AnimalWorld, Wild China,China's Hidden Kingdoms(神秘中国)are popular TV programs about wildlife in China. Most of them are airingevery weekend so that kids can watch and learn from it. We also haveBorn inChina(我们诞生在中国)whichfeatures(讲述)the wildlife series adventure of many notable wild animals in ourcountry like theroly-poly(不倒翁,胖墩)pandas,primate(灵长类)golden monkeys and theelusive(神出鬼没) snow leopards(雪豹). These TV programs are beneficial to stumble ontheir lives and preservations. 

2)Sad to say but no. Wild animals programs anddocumentaries arefast-disappearing(很快消失)these days, atleast in China! One reason is that many people’s preference about films or programs are more onentertainment and sports now.As time flies(随着时间流逝), the viewer's zeal andavidity(热情)of learning about wildlife isdwindling(减少). So, the TV program operators and publishers are keen on airingmore recreational(休闲) andblockbuster(大片)films likesitcoms(喜剧), action, dramas and hollywood. 

