爱德华的奇妙之旅 双语 第二章 02

爱德华的奇妙之旅 双语 第二章 02


And then there was the time that a maid, new to the Tulane household and eager to Impress her employers with her diligence, came upon Edward sitting on his chair in the dining room.

'What 's this bunny doing here?" She said out loud.

Edward did not care at all for the word Bunny He found it derogatory in the extreme.

The maid bent over him and looked into his eyes.

“Hmph”, she said. She stood back up. She put her hands on her hips. “ I reckon you're just likeevery other thing in this house something needing to be cleaned and dusted.'

And so the maid vacuumed Edward Tulane. She sucked each of his long ears up the vacuum-cleaner hose. She pawed at his clothes and beat his tail. She dusted his face with brutality and efficiency. And in her zeal to clean him, she vacuumed Edward's gold pocket watch right off his lap.

The watch went into the maw of the vacuum cleaner with a distressing clank that the maid did not even seem to hear.

When she was done she put the dining-room chair back at the table, and uncertain about exactly where Edward belonged, she finally decided to shove him in among the dolls on a shelf in Abilene’s bedroom.

“That's right, ”said the maid. “ There you go. "

