爱德华的奇妙之旅 双语 第三章 01

爱德华的奇妙之旅 双语 第三章 01



SHE IS CALLED THEQUEEN MARY,” saidAbilene's father  "and you and yourmama and I shall sail on her all the
way to London.

'What about Pellegrina?"said Abilene.

“I will not go, ” saidPellegrina. "I will stay.”

Edward, of course, was notlistening. He found the talk around the dinner table excruciatingly dull infact, he made a point ofnotlisteningif he could help it. But then Abilene did something unusual , sometingthat forced him to pay attention. As the talk about the ship continued, Abilenereached for Edward and took him from his chair and stood him in her lap.

“Andwhat about Edward? ” she said, her voice high and uncertain.

“Whatabout him, darling?" said her mother.

'WillEdward be sailing on theQueen Marywithus? ”

'Well,of course, if you wish, although you are getting a little old for such thingsas china rabbits. ”

“Nonsense, , said Abilene's father jovially. "Who would protect Abilene ifEdward was not there?

