6. 第六章 航行 问答题(原声)

6. 第六章 航行 问答题(原声)



1. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping?

-----To ensure that the watchman keeps watch according to rules.

-----To make responsibilities clear and summarize experience.


-----确保值班人员按照规则值班。 / 澄清责任,总结经验。

2. What does VHF stand for?

VHF stands for very high frequency.

VHF 代表什么? ----甚高频。

3. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge maneuver already took place but has not beenover?

The relieving officer should not takeover the watch.



4. How many objects do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”?

3 fixed objects are needed.


5. What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the Bridge?

The most critical threat and the intended actions.



6. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?

By asking the pilot and consulting the Admiralty List of Radio Signals(ALRS).



7. Why is it important to sound fog signals?

Because it is necessary to warn nearby ships in poor visibility.


8. When would you sound the general signals?

When the vessel is carrying out drills or in real emergencies.


9. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.

Equipment failure, distress call, heavy traffic, poor visibility and so on..


---- 设备失灵,接到遇险呼叫,交通拥挤, 能见度不良等。

10. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel , who has the right of way?

Power-driven vessel has the right of way.



11. A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?

Fishing trawler has the right of way.


12. How many “position lines” are needed to make a position?

At least 2 lines are needed.

需要多少条船位线来定位? ----至少需要 2 条。

13. Can you define the very important term “underway”?

Yes, I can. It means the vessel is not at anchor, or aground or made fast to the shore.



14. How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?

According to the bearing and range of the coming vessel..



15. Can you list three famous canals in the world?

Yes, I can, such as Panama Canal, Suez Canal, and Kiel Canal.



16. What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?

---Five short and rapid blasts.

警告他船有碰撞危险的声号是什么?-----5 短声。

17. What are the duties of watch-keeping when underway?

---Make sure the vessel on the planned course and keep a sharp lookout for safe navigation.



18. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.

Radar’s range is very long.The visual lookout is reliable



19. Describe the proper way of using VHF.

----When sending massages, press the PTT button and speak. When receiving massages, release the button and listen.


----发送信息时,按下 PTT 按钮,开始讲话。接收信息时,释放 PTT 按钮并收听。

20. How to rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?

Say “Mistake”, then “Correction”, plus the correct message.

在甚高频通信中,怎么纠正错误?---- 说“错误”然后说“改正”,再加上正确的信息。

21. How to give an emphasis the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?

----Say “Repeat”, then the important part of the message.


22. Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?

----The compass, radar, and so on.


23. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping? 同本章第 1 题

24. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?

----I will keep security watch, such as anti-piracy.



25. Describe the bridge shift change.

---The relieved officer should tell the relieving officer about the ship’s navigation status, and make sure that the relieving officer can perform his duty.



  • 听友472657938


  • 听友237412827

    18答案:The distance and bearing of an object can be detected by radar, and the courses of vessels can be indicated by compasses, and ship's position can be located by GPS, and so on.