6.4 描述在狭水道和通航分道区域航行的区别

6.4 描述在狭水道和通航分道区域航行的区别


4. Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in a traffic separation scheme.

(1) The rules in navigating in a narrow channel.

(2) The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme.

(3) The major differences in terms of technical navigation.


(1) 在狭水道航行的规定。 (2) 在分道通航制区域航行的规定。 (3) 主要区别。

(1) A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall keep to the outer limit of narrow channel on herstarboard side.

(2) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall proceed in the proper traffic lane and keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone.

(3) Navigating in narrow channel requires great skill. If the traffic is heavy, duty officer shall keep a sharp look-out. Before entering the narrow channel, duty officer shall get to know more about narrow channel by sailing directions and other nautical publications.

While navigating in traffic separation scheme, the ship shall proceed in the proper lane, because the traffic lane is adopted by IMO and is compulsory for vessel to proceed.





