听说课—Listen and sing

听说课—Listen and sing

Gomorningjudges im number five candidate applying for primarily screw english teacher it's my great honor to present my listen here to day my topic is the pronunciation loose of.
Oh, Now please allow me to start my presentation
Good morning boys and girls how are you today fine great not bad.
Well i'm pretty well.
Thanks for your asking.
Now are you ready for our english travel.
Good look艾海勒caesar看看看。
You are divided into two groups.
Eura group a and eura group b are you clear。
Would you like to play a game with me.
Shop eyes.
You will look so many pictures on the screen you need to stand up.
And speak out where it is.
Are you clear ready go.
Hospital good school.
Well then.
Shop? Grade.
Park super.

The last one.
Yes farm well old of you did a good job.
So to day let'slearn a song about the farm now look at the picture.
There is a man standing on the farm.
Who is he leo.
Oh, maybe he is a farmer.
Thank you grace.
Maybe he is the boss?
Okay, good point.
Sit on please let's watch the video and try to sing with the music.
Okay do you, know who is he.
Yes, he is old mcdonald.
Look at this word.
Old can you read it.
Owed that means man is not young any more.
Look at this picture.
We can say, he is old.
How about this one?
Grade she is old.

So boys read it together.
Girls read it together.
Well there never one.
This time do you remember what is the own man's name same please.
Mcdonald grade follow me mc donard.
Group a read it.
Group b read it.
So we can say old mcdonald had a farm?
Can you see it.
Great he liked his farm very much。
Do you remember what did. he have on that farm leo please.
Leo said。 he has some ducks.
Yes or no.
Yes i think so.
Look at the picture what animals are there there are some ducks.
So children follow me.
Some ducks.
Some decks。

Some decks。
He has some ducks.
Now children look at these words on the blackboard carefully and find out the common of them, you have thirty seconds to think about it.
Okay who's volunteer lisa.
Clever girl sit on please.
Lisa said there is a letter oh in these words.
Do you agree with her.
Well then one point for your team.
This time my class i have a question.
Doyou. know what the pronunciation of letter oh in these words?
Not sure a dead matter lets listen to the recording and find it.
Ready go.
The recording is over who can tell us what did you find
Smart boy said i'm pleased.
As nick said.
The pronunciation of o in old is.

Let's read this word.
Follow me. Old old.
One two.
Boys read it.
Girls read it.
Oh in mcdonald.
Okay. emmy please.
Yes, you. are so smart.
It pronounces八Lets read it and feel the pronunciation.
Muck donald muck donald.
The last one who can try.
Emmy plays.
Emmy said there let her oh.
make sounds啊。in some.
Do you think so.
Let's listen to the sound and check.
So is she right.
Yes she is right

While let's make a summary here we learned that letter o has different pronunciations in
different words。
Have you noticed the secret.
Right it can make sounds.
Oh, in old.
Oh, in mcdonald=in some.
Who can lead us to read these words.
You please.
Mcdonald丧Good pronunciation one point for your group anyone else?
Okay, you please.
Well then one point for your group.
This time.
Group a read it together.
Group b read it together.
Super okay we have found the different pronunciation lose of letter o this time.
Let's have something fun let's play a game.
What's missing?
When i say close your eyes.
You need to cover your eyes with your hands?
When i say open your eyes.

You need to open and find out which word is missing.
Are you clear.
Okay close your eyes.
Open what's missing.
Nick got it.
That's owed next one close your eyes.
What's missing.
Great emmy got it?
That some.
Well then boys and girls.
I can see that all of you enjoying this game.
This time that's practised to sing the song you can practice with your group members.
Five minutes for you can we go.
Times up which group wants to come here to sing the song with the music.
Let's see who has got beautiful voices.
Trade your group come here。
You can see in a dance with the music i'm proud of you。
Two points for you?

Okay, calm down my students.
Now there is a group task for you.

You shall find more words with letter o but they make different sounds with letter o.

So four students working a group.
You can ride down the words.
Five minutes for you okay start.
Tick tok tick toe.
Time is up which group wants to share with us.
Your group please嗯,no and?
Note make sound.
Oh, one point for you.
How about your group.
Dog not.
And a hot make sound ah.
Two points for your group
You are so amazing boys and girls.
I can't believe you can find so many words with different pronuncations of letter oh.
As you can see english is sointeresting and there are more lose waiting for you to find out.
How time flies。

Hope can summarize what we learn today.
The boy in the last row please.
Very good sit on please.
As he said today we learned that different pronunciation lose of letter o.
Look at the blackboard
Who is the winner.
Yes group a congratulation don't be upset group VI believe you will be better next class.
Okay here is your homework.
Find more words have same letters and pronunciation.
Then you can share them in the next class。
Today boys and girls or have wonderful performance.
Clap for yourself.
It's all for today see you next lesson.
That's all for my presentation thanks for listening.
