235 Echo Article 1208-1217

235 Echo Article 1208-1217


第五章 机动车交通事故责任

Chapter 5 Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability

第一千二百零八条 机动车发生交通事故造成损害的,依照道路交通安全法律和本法的有关规定承担赔偿责任。

Article 1128 Where any damage is caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle, the liability for compensation shall be borne in accordance with the relevant provisions of the road traffic safety laws and the Law.

第一千二百零九条 因租赁、借用等情形机动车所有人、管理人与使用人不是同一人时,发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,由机动车使用人承担赔偿责任;机动车所有人、管理人对损害的发生有过错的,承担相应的赔偿责任。

Article 1129 Where the owner or manager of a motor vehicle is not the user of the motor vehicle under leasing or borrowing circumstances, if the damages are caused in a traffic accident, and the user of the motor vehicle is liable for the damages, the user of the motor vehicle shall bear

compensation liability; where the owner or manager of the motor vehicle is at fault for the damages,the owner or manager shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.

第一千二百一十条 当事人之间已经以买卖或者其他方式转让并交付机动车但是未办理登记,发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,由受让人承担赔偿责任。

Article 1210 Where a motor vehicle has been transferred and delivered to the transferee by way of sale or purchase or by other means but registration has not been completed, and the damages are caused by a traffic accident, which is attributable to the side of the motor vehicle, the transferee shall bear the liability for compensation.

第一千二百一十一条 以挂靠形式从事道路运输经营活动的机动车,发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,由挂靠人和被挂靠人承担连带责任。

Article 1211 Where a motor vehicle that is affiliated to an organization for conducting road transport causes a traffic accident and the party owning the vehicle is liable for the accident, the affiliating party and the affiliated party shall bear joint and several liability.

第一千二百一十二条 未经允许驾驶他人机动车,发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,由机动车使用人承担赔偿责任;机动车所有人、管理人对损害的发生有过错的,承担相应的赔偿责任,但是本章另有规定的除外。

Article 1212 Where a person drives another person's motor vehicle without the person's permission and causes damages in a traffic accident, which is attributable to the side of the motor vehicle, the user of the motor vehicle shall bear the liability for compensation; if the owner or manager of the motor vehicle is at fault for the damages, he shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.

第一千二百一十三条 机动车发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,先由承保机动车强制保险的保险人在强制保险责任限额范围内予以赔偿;不足部分,由承保机动车商业保险的保险人按照保险合同的约定予以赔偿;仍然不足或者没有投保机动车商业保险的,由侵权人赔偿。

Article 1213 In the event of damages caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle,where the motor vehicle is liable, the insurer underwriting the motor vehicle compulsory insurance shall make compensation within the scope of limits of mandatory insurance liability; where the compensation is inadequate, the insurer underwriting the motor vehicle commercial insurance shall make compensation pursuant to the agreement in the insurance contract; where the damages are still

insufficient or the motor vehicle is not covered by motor vehicle commercial insurance, the tortfeasor shall make compensation.

第一千二百一十四条 以买卖或者其他方式转让拼装或者已经达到报废标准的机动车,发生交通事故造成损害的,由转让人和受让人承担连带责任。

Article 1214 In the event of damages caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle which has been transferred and assembled by way of sale and purchase or other means or a motor vehicle which has attained scrap standards, the transferor and the transferee shall bear connected liability.

第一千二百一十五条 盗窃、抢劫或者抢夺的机动车发生交通事故造成损害的,由盗窃人、抢劫人或者抢夺人承担赔偿责任。盗窃人、抢劫人或者抢夺人与机动车使用人不是同一人,发生交通事故造成损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,由盗窃人、抢劫人或者抢夺人与机动车使用人承担连带责任。

Article 1215 In the event of damages caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle which is stolen, robbed or plundered, the thief, robber or plunderer shall bear compensation liability.In the event that a thief, robber or plunderer is not the user of a motor vehicle and the damages arecaused in a traffic accident, if the liability of the traffic accident lies with the motor vehicle user, the thief, robber or plunderer and the motor vehicle user shall bear joint liability.


Where the insurer pays the rescue expenses within the liability limit of the compulsory insurance for motor vehicles on behalf of the liable party, it shall be entitled to recover the rescue expenses from the liable party of the traffic accident.

第一千二百一十六条 机动车驾驶人发生交通事故后逃逸,该机动车参加强制保险的,由保险人在机动车强制保险责任限额范围内予以赔偿;机动车不明、该机动车未参加强制保险或者抢救费用超过机动车强制保险责任限额,需要支付被侵权人人身伤亡的抢救、丧葬等费用的,由道路交通事故社会救助基金垫付。道路交通事故社会救助基金垫付后,其管理机构有权向交通事故责任人追


Article 1216 Where a motor vehicle driver flees after a traffic accident, if the motor vehicle is subject to compulsory insurance, the insurer shall make compensation within the compensation limit under the compulsory insurance procured for said motor vehicle; if the motor vehicle is unknown, if the motor vehicle is not subject to compulsory insurance or the rescue expenses exceed the liability limit under the compulsory insurance procured for said motor vehicle, the costs incurred in rescuing or burying the injured party or other expenses shall be advanced from the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents. After the social relief fund for road traffic accidents has been advanced, its administrative agency shall have the right to claim repayment from the person liable for the traffic accident.

第一千二百一十七条 非营运机动车发生交通事故造成无偿搭乘人损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,应当减轻其赔偿责任,但是机动车使用人有故意或者重大过失的除外。

Article 1217 Where a non-commercial motor vehicle causes any damage to a rider free of charge in a traffic accident, if the liability of the driver of the motor vehicle is attributed to his or her side, the compensation liability of the driver shall be mitigated, unless the user of the motor vehicle has committed intentional or gross negligence.

