22-11-9【地道美语257】购物疗法:买买买治愈不开心 Retail therapy

22-11-9【地道美语257】购物疗法:买买买治愈不开心 Retail therapy





主持人微信:goingforgold2018 验证注明添加详细理由

Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群

retail therapy

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, have you got anything ________________________?

Mark:  I haveto ___________________ this week, like any other, even though____________. What about you?

Jingjing: You know, it's a good time to_______________.  I'll consider someadditions for my winter wardrobe.  But I don't need much _______________.

Mark:  Samehere.  Socks and Legos are the only thing___________________.

Jingjing: Your wife told me about ________, and how she needs to _____________________.

Mark:  Oh,OK.  Do you ever go to_________________?

Jingjing:  Ofcourse!  My dance studio is in a shopping mall.  And my gym is verynear a different one.  It's so hard to ___________ that I doubt_____________ anytime soon.

Mark:  Yeah,and _______________ are getting filled up with restaurants and _______.

Jingjing: Which is another reason______________________—even on the way to thesubway!

Mark:  Iknow, right.  Do you go shopping ____________?

Jingjing:  Iused to, especially back when I was___________ and made a daily run ________.

Mark:  Lotsof people do that.  When you've spent 28 yuan _____________, then 128 fora shirt sounds like____________.

Jingjing: Don't I know it.  And then______________ or more andhave to think about how to ___________ for the rest of the week.

Mark:  Do youthink a lot of people______________ as a result of their ____________?

Jingjing:  Ijust read something about that.  It seems to be ____________.

Mark:  Howso?  _________________________.

Jingjing: Well, according to the article I saw, 68 percent of millennials said_____________, while only 53% of Gen-X'ers and 26 percent of Baby Boomers______________.

Mark: That__________ for Baby Boomers.  Their parents _________________. As a Gen-X'er myself, I'd say those people who talked to researchersmight only have been talking about things they did recently.

Jingjing: When you________________ as a young adult, you'd buy lots of stuff to_____________?

Mark:  Sure. And I knew_______________________.

Jingjing: Everyone should_________ when they're young, I guess.  I just hopeit doesn't _________________.

Mark:  ______________________. Tell me more about the article when I come back.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, now that you have your______________, are you ready to hear abouthow many people have _____________________?

Mark:  Youdon't want to wait for my coffee to cool______________________?  OK then,how many?

Jingjing: _________ percent of respondents to the survey_______________ I read.

Mark:  Thatsounds like what I've been hearing in the news.  It might____________—say, if someone _________________________________.

Jingjing:  Iwouldn't know.  Those respondents only said they ____________________________.

Mark:  Thenagain, I heard that a huge number of people ____________________.

Jingjing: What now?

Mark: Revolving their debt: they_________________ from one credit card to payoff another one.  With three banks, one person can manage their debt thatway, as long as they _______________________.

Jingjing: __________________.  But yeah, if someone just graduated and startedworking in the city, it might be what they have to do for a year or two untilthey__________________.

Mark:  That'swhat too many people tell themselves: _______________—when I get promoted orsomething, this debt _______________.

Jingjing: Don't tell me you're one of t___________________ that thinks any debt youcan't ________ shouldn't be borrowed.

Mark:  OK, Iwon't tell you that.  Back to ________, though.  It sounds like it______________, rather than __________.

Jingjing:  Ifpeople get themselves into __________, it can be.  But there'splenty of evidence that___________.

Mark:  Idefinitely feel __________________.

Jingjing: Does it____________ whether or not___________?

Mark:  Itdefinitely does.  I __________________where everything was too expensiveor __________.

Jingjing: Same here.  That article said that shopping ____________________,many times over.  People had _____________.  They were three timesless likely to feel sad after buying something.

Mark:  Thatsounds about right.  Hopefully ______________.

Jingjing: 82% of people reported____________ about what they had bought.  So,it looks like shopping can _______________.

Mark:  Well,I'm glad shopping malls are _________, ___________.

Jingjing: Right, we can always go there to have coffee or milk tea at least,_______________________.

Mark:  Ha ha. That's twenty-first century________________!

new words andphrases

in thatdepartment:  

keep<someone> on a tight leash:  

<be> out<a certain amount of money>:

impulse purchase: 

stress spending:

<be> on thesame page <with someone>:  

max out a creditcard:  

revolving debt:

a debt cycle: 

retail therapy: 

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