










Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,

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National Day,patriotism, and new consumer culture

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, didn't the National Holiday _________?

Mark:  Yeah,I really only ______________.  What about you?

Jingjing: Pretty much__________—but it was a good way to refresh.  What do youthink of all the flags that ______________?

Mark:  It'spretty cool to see.  There's_________________ at my apartment building. On my way to work, I counted, and saw_________________ along my way.

Jingjing: You____________, don't you?

Mark:  Yeah,less than half an hour, ________.  Hey, that reminds me to ask you: whyare young people in China________?

Jingjing:  Ithink it's _____________ two things.

Mark:  Ohyeah, and _________?

Jingjing: First, a long history with ______________________.

Mark: I'm__________.  And second?

Jingjing: Second, we've experienced such_______________________ in the past fewdecades.  It's hard____________.

Mark: That______________.  Thanks for___________, Jingjing!

Jingjing: I'm glad I could__________________ for you, Mark.

Mark:  Yeah,but I'm still_________________: young people.

Jingjing: Well, because traditions are still so strong, and because evensomeone________________ can attest to how much has ____________ aroundthem—young people ___________.

Mark:  Sure. When places like the Temple of Heaven are__________, and you cansee some of the world's tallest buildings _____________, anyone wouldbe_____________.

Jingjing:  Ithink there's ___________, too.  It's like what people call ______________ inyour country.

Mark:  Oh, Ithink I know ____________________.  Everyone feels like they have thechance to _________________ in the next big step ____________.

Jingjing: That's ___________of patriotism, and probably why youngpeople_____________ to be Chinese.

Mark:  That's_________for one conversation, Jingjing.  Thanks for _______________!

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, as a teacher, you work with_________________.  How have youseen them _________________?

Mark:  I seeelements of _____________________on students' clothing.

Jingjing: That's charming, isn't it?  A few ____________ are looking back___________________________.

Mark:  I_________I'll walk into my next classroom and see everyone_______________ ofConfucius.

Jingjing: It's not like ____, but rather elements, such as _________ andchest-bands getting incorporated into modern designs.

Mark:  Thatcan _________a really new look.

Jingjing: There's_____________: guochao.  In Chinese, the guo character______.

Mark:  Iwould __________.  What about chao?  _______________inChaoyang District?

Jingjing:  I_____________.  And no.  It looks almost the same, but ___________over to the left.  So, the character means ____________.

Mark: That__________.  I'll be __________________very Chinesecharacteristics.

Jingjing: They're already ______________, Mark.  Also, with food, somethingthat seemed just about convenience is now_____________________.

Mark:  You'renot talking about _____________ becoming ______________ Chinese, are you?

Jingjing: More like food delivery, and ________________________—for people with________.

Mark:  So,how are those becoming ____________________________?

Jingjing: Using more ___________, and higher technology to ______________toconsumers, companies are offering what was only available from____________ orhome chefs in the past.

Mark:  Oh,you mean like that hot pot where you ___________and it starts ___________realpeppers and beef?

Jingjing:  Itmay have started with things like that.  But now, just to___________,companies are finding ways to get ___________like hot dry noodles onto people'splates.

Mark:  Funnyyou should mention hot dry noodles.  A Chinese friend of mine just________ for a year in Northern Europe.  He stuck _______________________in his suitcase and took out two sweaters just to _________.

Jingjing: Hopefully ______________ in Northern Europe for that year and can buy newsweaters.  I think he ___________.

Mark:  Right. Who knows if he can find some of those_______________ where he'sstaying—at least in the _____________.

Jingjing: It's enough to __________ until a shipment comes to him.  So,that's________, and how companies _______________ what people want.

Mark: ____________________ for authentic food.  Thanks, Jingjing!

new words andphrases

shed light <onsomething>:

<be> in thedark <about something>:

<be> intip-top shape:  

the greatestgeneration:  

add up to<something>:  

stay in themarket:  

  • 寒雨_do

  • 两只小鬼跑得快跑得快


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