5.5 处理货损的程序(原声)

5.5 处理货损的程序(原声)


5.(大副题) Describe the procedures in handling cargo damage.

(1) Descriptions on different cargo damages.

(2) The general procedures for handling cargo damages.

(3) Special attention paid to the handling of damages.


(1) 不同货损的介绍。 (2) 处理货损的一般程序。 (3) 处理货损的特殊事项。

(1) bagged cargo holed by hooks, case smashed, barrel deformed ,and so on.

(2) If cargo damage is found, Chief officer will calculate the quantity of it, and then take up matter with the parties concerned. To find out the causes of the damage and decide who will take responsibility of it.

(3) After determining the real causes of cargo damages, C/O should put remarks into the mate’s receipt, then ask the damage-maker to deal with the damages.

(1) 袋装货被钩破、箱子受挤压、货桶变形。

(2) 如果发现货损,大副该计算货损数量,然后跟相关部门交涉。查清受损原因以决定损失负责方。


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