Pig Pig长大了_中英文

Pig Pig长大了_中英文


“你啥时候才能长大?“ 听完这个故事, 才知道没有长不大的孩子,只有不给机会的家长。好久没录故事了,这次小妞赏脸,给我在前面即兴做了一大段序。


Pig Pig Grows Up      PigPig 大了

By David Mcphail



Pig Pig was the baby of the family, His brothers and sistershad grown up and left home long ago. But pig pig refused to grow up.

Pig pig 是家里最小的一个,他的哥哥姐姐早就长大离开了家,只有Pig pig 不想长大。

He still wore his sleep suit, though it was much too tight,and he continued to sleep in his crib, even though his feet hung over the end.


At breakfast, Pig Pig sat in his high chair, He ate Pablumand strained fruit. When his mother had marketing to do, Pig Pig insisted onbeing pushed in the stroller. And at the market, Pig Pig would squeal and cryloudly until his mother bought him whatever it was that he wanted


If his mother suggested that he fix his own supper becauseshe was just too tired. Pig Pig would pout and say, “I can’t! I’m only a baby!”


Pig Pig ‘s mother grew tired of it.

“You’re a big pig now, Pig Pig,” she said. “You’ve got togrow up.”

妈妈实在厌倦了Pig pig 始终长不大的样子。对他说“你已经是一只大猪了Pigpig, 你应该要长大了。”

But when she took away his old blanket and bought him a realbed, he sobbed like a baby all night long.


And when Pig Pig’s mother packed away all of his babyclothes and gave him grown-up clothes, Pig Pig cried and cried. “I want my babyclothes,” he screamed.” “I’m only a baby!”


So Pig Pig’s mother gave in again, and nothing more was eversaid about Pig Pig’s growing up—until one day, on the way home from the market.


Pig Pig’s mother had a very hard time pushing Pig Pig’sstroller. It was full of Pig Pig and all the groceries it took to feed him. Upthe hill they went. Slower and slower.

Pig Pig’s mother puffed and grunted. She gave the strollerjust one more push and collapsed.

妈妈实在推不动装着pig pig和小宝宝食物的手推车了,她爬坡爬得越来越慢,不停得喘气,她最后用力推了一把手推车,然后就累得倒下了。

The stroller stopped at the top of the hill. It hung thereand then, slowly, it moved over the top and started to roll down the otherside. Faster and faster it went.


“Momma!” Squealed Pig Pig.  

“My baby!” gasped Pig Pig’s mother.

.  “妈妈!”pig pig尖叫着。“我的孩子!“妈妈气喘嘘嘘的喊到。

Pig Pig kept squealing as the stroller careened down thehill

Then horror filled Pig Pig’s eyes. Below him, directly in hispath, was a baby carriage with a real baby in it.

Pigpig 好害怕, 他大声尖叫,可是手推车还是快速地向坡下滑去。


Pig Pig whirled into action. He stepped over the front ofthe stroller and plunked both feet down hard on the road.

In a cloud of dust, the stroller dragged to a stop justinches from the sleeping baby. Pig Pig had stopped the stroller and saved thebaby!



Pig pig 刹停了手推车,小宝宝得救了!

The baby’s mother kissed Pig Pig on the head. “How can Iever thank you enough?” she cried. “Such a brave young pig.”

小宝宝的妈妈激动的在pig pig头上亲了一口:我该怎么感谢你啊?” 这么勇敢的年轻人。”

By the timePig Pig’s mother had run down the hill, Pig Pig was surrounded by People.  They patted him on the back, and shook hishand, and told him what a big brave pig he was. Pig Pig beamed.

当pig pig的妈妈跑下坡的时候,pig pig已经被人们围得水泄不通。他们拍着他的脊背,跟他握手,告诉他他是个多么勇敢的人。Pig pig脸上溢出害羞的笑容。

Pig Pig’s mother hugged Pig Pig.

“I’m proud of you, my baby,” She said, “ You must be tired.Climb back into your stroller and let me push you home.”

妈妈过来拥抱pigPig 说“我的孩子,我真为你骄傲,你一定累了吧,上车吧,我把你推回去。“

“No,” said Pig Pig. “I’m not a baby anymore, and you’re theone who must be tired. You get into the stroller, and I’ll push you home.”

“不,pig pig 说,我已经不是个小宝宝了,你才是那个累了的人,妈妈你上车,我把你推回去。“

And she did, and he did, and after that, Pig Pig was never ababy again.

妈妈上了车,pig pig推她回家了。从那以后pig pig 长大了。

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