Mole music (鼹鼠的音乐)_中英文

Mole music (鼹鼠的音乐)_中英文




Mole lived all alone underground, he spent his days diggingtunnels.

At night he ate his supper in front of  the TV, and then went to bed.

Mole liked his life, but lately he had began to feel therewere something missing.

One night, on the televsion, a man played violin, he madethe most beautiful music mole had ever heard.


“I want to make beautiful music, too. “ Mole said to himself.So the next day, he sent away for a violin of his own. Everyday, mole checkedhis mailbox. “ no violin. “ Finally, after nearly 3 weeks, it arrived, Mole wasso excited. He picked up the violin and drew the bow across the strings, butinstead of beautiful music, all he made was a horrible screeching sound. Moletried again. The violin still screeched ,but not quite so horribly.


Mole kept at it, after about a week, he could play one note.Then, two. And before a month went by, he could play an entire scale. Molecontinued to practice. He learned to put notes together in a simple song. Yearswent by, Mole got better and better. He was happier than he’d ever been.


During the day, as he dug tunnles. Mole hummed the music hewould play at night. Now Mole played even better than the man he’d seen on TVso long ago. Sometimes, he wondered what it would be like to play music forpeople. He imagined himself playing before a huge audience. He imagined that heplayed for president and queens. He even imagined that his music could reachinto people’s hearts and melt away their anger and sadness.


Well maybe his music could even change the world. Molelaughed at himself,

“How silly I am” he thought. Imaging that my music could doall that, when no one has even ever heard it. Mole played one more song, thenput down his violin and went to sleep and dreamed beautiful peaceful dreams.


  • 疯狂女神探


  • 听友67545196


    木澜贝林格 回复 @听友67545196: 多谢评论!鼹鼠的音乐我读了一遍就非常喜欢,人生有这么一看事儿也算幸福了。

  • 疯狂女神探


    小趣友小熊 回复 @疯狂女神探: go o d j o b

  • Lily__Kuo


  • 吉吉吉吉爾


  • 疯狂女神探
