




1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At the office.

B. At a supermarket.

C. At a restaurant.

2. What does the man do probably?

A. A shop assistant.

B. A dentist.

C. An electrician.

3. When will the man arrive?

A. 4:10 p.m.

B. 4:20 p.m.

C. 4:30 p.m.

4. What does the woman think of the music?

A. Pleasant.

B. Acceptable.

C. Disturbing.

5. What was the weather like in Australia then?

A. Rainy.

B. Sunny.

C. Cloudy.




6. What has the woman bought in the end?

A. Bananas and oranges.

B. Oranges and mooncakes.

C. Bananas and mooncakes.

7. How much change should the man give the woman?

A. 3 yuan.

B. 7 yuan.

C. 10 yuan.


8. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Classmates.

C. Relatives.

9. What does the man plan to stop doing in the next months?

A. Having parties.

B. Playing basketball.

C. Reading novels.


10. When is the match supposed to be held?

A. On Sunday.

B. On Monday.

C. On Wednesday.

11. What does the man plan to do on Wednesday?

A. Do some business.

B. Go downtown.

C. Visit some friends.

12. What will the man do next?

A. Read the newspaper.

B. Call the match sponsor.

C. Surf the Internet.


13. What day is it today?

A. Tuesday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Thursday.

14. What is the man good at cooking?

A. Fish.

B. Pork.

C. Chicken.

15. Why is the housework divided among the man’s family?

A. His mum is ill.

B. His mum has a job now.

C. They are all fond of doing housework.

16. Who do the shopping in the man’s family?

A. The parents.

B. Dad and David.

C. Mum and the man.


17. What is the importance of plant variety?

A. Improving farming methods in future.

B. Contributing to population increase.

C. Helping avoid crop diseases.

18. What will disappear with the extinction of the plants?

A. The animals which feed on them.

B. The genes which carry their qualities.

C. The habitats where they live in.

19. What is NOT the cause of the damage to plant life?

A. Climate change.

B. Appearance of new crops.

C. Loss of normal growth area.

20. What action is being taken to prevent the loss of plant variety?

A. Saving and sharing the seeds.

B. Planting variety of plants in crop fields.

C. Fertilizing plants to fight against the diseases.


Text 1

W: Hmm, there’s nothing very appealing on the menu. I think I’ll just have some lemonade.

M: Are you sure about this? I mean, you’ve got a whole lot of work waiting for you to finish in the afternoon.

Text 2

W: Excuse me, I received this electric toothbrush as a gift and I’d like to return it as I already have one.

M: Sorry, you can only exchange it for something else of equal value.

Text 3

M: Should I pick you up after training?

W: Yes, please, if you can. My training begins at 2:30 p.m. and will last for about two hours.

M: OK then, I’ll be there 10 minutes earlier.

Text 4

M: I wish someone would change this music.It’s a little strange to me.

W: Glad you brought it up. I thought I was the only one who had the idea.

Text 5

W: Was the weather nice when you were traveling in Southern China?

M: No. It kept pouring all the time. I went there during the wrong season. I should have gone to Australia with Tony instead. He told me that he had enjoyed a lot of sunshine.

Text 6

W: Morning, Sir.I’d like to buy two boxes of Chinese mooncakes.

M: All right, Ma’am. We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style. Which do you want?

W: The Suzhou style.

M: OK. Anything else?

W: Yes, I want some oranges.

M: Sorry, oranges are out of season now. But we have some good bananas.

W: Good. I’ll take a bunch of bananas. How much would that come to?

M: Forty yuan for the mooncakes and seven yuan for the bananas.

W: Here is fifty yuan, Sir.

M: Thank you. Here’s your change, Ma’am.

Text 7

W: Hi, Jim! I wasn’t hoping to meet you in the library.

M: Ha, it seems that I only know playing basketball and attending parties.

W: I didn’t mean that. Actually, you are good at learning and active in all kinds of activities. This is what I admire about you.

M: I’m joking. What kind of books do you want to borrow?

W: Well, I will have to hand in my graduation paper next month. But I am not ready for it. I still need some reliable statistics to support my paper.

M: I have the same trouble. Maybe I have to give up some parties in the following months.

Text 8

W: Here comes The Sunday newspaper again.

M: Can I have the sports section?

W: Sure, here you are.

M: Let me check if there’s anything exciting next week.

W: You mean football matches?

M: Yes. Here it is! There will be a great football match on Monday at the City Stadium.

W: So you’ll go and watch it.

M: Of course. But do you think they will cancel the football match if it rains?

W: I think they will.

M: If they do cancel it, will they have it on Wednesday?

W: I really can’t tell.

M:I will be out of town for a business trip on Wednesday. I really can’t miss the game.

W:Why don’t you check the weather on the Internet?

M: Good idea. I’ll do it right now.

Text 9

M: Hi, Kate. Are you coming for dinner tomorrow night?

W:Tomorrow is Wednesday. Yeah, I think I’ll be available. But what’s the occasion?

M: It’s my turn to cook. And the fish I make is really good!

W: Your turn to cook?

M: Yeah. My mum has gone back to work for some time, so all the housework is divided among the four of us.

W: So your brother David cooks, too?

M: Sure he does. I cook on Wednesdays and Thursdays. David’s turn is on Mondays and Tuesdays. And you should taste the sweet pork and spicy chicken he makes. Really impressive.

W: How about your parents?

M: Well, my dad cooks on Fridays and Saturdays and my mum on Sundays. But my mum and I also need to do the shopping on Friday nights. We usually buy meats and vegetables which would be enough for a whole week.

W: I see. Okay, I’ll be there tomorrow night. See you.

Text 10 (约170词)

W: Plant variety is important to feed the increasing population of our planet. It also helps to protect against possible crop diseases and future crises.

Many experts say the number of different plants has decreased sharply during the past century. They warn that up to one hundred thousand plant species could permanently disappear. The rich collection of genes that decide their qualities would disappear with them.

Many experts blame climate change and loss of normal growth area for damaging plant life. They say human activities and poorly planned, overly heavy use of land also are responsible. Modern commercial farming methods saved millions of people from starvation. Farmers planted, watered, and fertilized their crops with the help of machines. They treated their fields with chemicals to control insects and diseases. Harvests grew larger and higher quality, but another result was that some traditional crops were lost.

The good news is a not-for-profit group based in USA was established in 1975 to save and share high quality seeds.


模拟试题020 1—5 CABCB 6—10 CABAB 11—15ACAAB 16—20CCBBA

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