



Using mobile phones can bring us unmatched convenience, but too much of anything is good for nothing.

You're going to hurt yourself if you keep exercising this much. You can have too much of a good thing, you know!

When I finally got a big raise, it was too good to be true.





Too much of anything is good for nothing.



Excessive amounts of something can have negative effects.


Using mobile phones can bring us unmatched convenience, but too much of anything is good for nothing.


I know it's good to get exercise, but he's been working out way too much. Too much of anything is good for nothing.


Sure, potato chips are delicious, but moderation is key. Too much of anything is good for nothing.

当然,薯片很美味,但适量才是关键。 任何东西过了都是无益的。


too much of a good thing



Too large an amount of a beneficial or useful thing or activity can be harmful or excessive.


You're going to hurt yourself if you keep exercising this much. You can have too much of a good thing, you know!


Alan: We're having such a good time at this resort, why don't we stay another week?

Jane: I think we'd get bored with it if we stayed that long. You can have too much of a good thing, you know.

艾伦: 我们在这个度假胜地玩得很开心,为什么不再待一周呢?

简: 我觉得如果待那么久,我们会厌倦的。过犹不及,你懂的。


too good to be true



used to say that you cannot believe that something is as good as it seems


When I finally got a big raise, it was too good to be true.


I had to ask them to repeat their salary offer because it was just too good to be true!


My wife is smart, funny, compassionate, beautiful—I just feel like she is too good to be true sometimes.


  • 小舞怎么会有人重名


    英文早餐Eric 回复 @小舞怎么会有人重名: 哈哈,同乐同乐

  • 亦语有声

    too much of a good thing 过犹不及

  • 亦语有声

    too much of anything is Good for nothing 过犹不及