


Millions of people under lockdown in China now share a common routine: A fitness session with their new star personal trainer Liu Genghong. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, the Taiwan-born singer, actor, and personal trainer appears on short video platform Douyin with his wife Wang Wanfei at 7:30 p.m., though he makes his followers wake up early at 9 a.m. on Saturdays for a 90-minute session. Many online have even joked that Liu is now facing a stiff popularity contest with Li Jiaqi, the “livestreaming king” known for his sales tactics. “Li Jiaqi empties our wallet, Liu Genghong empties our body,” has become one of the most popular comments on microblogging platform Weibo lately.

①Millions of people under lockdown in China now share a common routine: A fitness session with their new star personal trainer Liu Genghong. 

1. share a common routine 有共同的习惯

common adj. 共同的
routine n. 常规,惯例
daily routine 每日惯例

share common goals 有共同目标
share common interests 有共同兴趣
share common habits 有共同习惯

2. fitness session 健身活动

fitness n. 健身,健康状况
session n. 一场活动,一场会议,一节课程

He strained his back during a practice session. 
No fewer than thirteen foreign ministers attended the session. 

3. personal trainer 私人教练

②On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, the Taiwan-born singer, actor, and personal trainer appears on short video platform Douyin with his wife Wang Wanfei at 7:30 p.m., though he makes his followers wake up early at 9 a.m. on Saturdays for a 90-minute session.
每周二、周三、周四和周日,这位出生于台湾的歌手、演员和私人教练会在晚上 7 点 30 分与妻子王婉霏一起在短视频平台抖音上直播,同时他也会让粉丝在周六早上 9 点早起完成90 分钟的健身训练。

1. short video platform 短视频平台
platform n. 平台

They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.
Social media has become a platform for advertisements.

2. though conj. 不过,可是(but)

③Many online have even joked that Liu is now facing a stiff popularity contest with Li Jiaqi, the “livestreaming king” known for his sales tactics.

1. many online 许多网友

many pron. 许多人
online adj. 在线的

Her claims seem credible to many. 

2. joke v. 开玩笑 n. 玩笑,恶作剧

3. a stiff popularity contest 一场激烈的人气竞赛

stiff adj. 激烈的,艰难的
She faces stiff competition in the Best Actress category.

4. livestreaming king 直播带货王
livestreaming n. 直播

④“Li Jiaqi empties our wallet, Liu Genghong empties our body,” has become one of the most popular comments on microblogging platform Weibo lately.

1. empty v. 变空,倒空 adj. 空的

2. popular comment 热评

3. microblogging platform 微型博客平台

blog n. 博客
micro adj. 极小的,微观的

  • Vagrant_Dream


    英语何健说 回复 @Vagrant_Dream: 哈哈 不错👍

  • 肉肉的南尼

    哈哈哈哈天天刘耕宏 膝盖受不了 已被掏空 empty body

    英语何健说 回复 @肉肉的南尼: 掏空了就歇歇 然后再掏空

  • 亮亮读英语


    英语何健说 回复 @亮亮读英语: 好棒 亮亮的整理总是那么优秀谢谢你给大家的示范

  • 第一万只鲍鱼


    英语何健说 回复 @第一万只鲍鱼: 体重这个事情 有时候随缘好过于强求

  • 默默想你已经是习惯


    英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 余老师还是粉周杰伦更多一点

  • 菲菲星光


  • 神行者2024

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