


The "Yangtze River-Three Gorges Dam 1" cruise ship, fully powered by electric batteries with a capacity of 1,300 passengers, set off on its maiden voyage in March in Yichang City in central China's Hubei Province. According to the China Three Gorges Cooperation, the 100-meter-long ship has 15 individual battery packs with a total capacity of 7,500 kilowatt-hour, the largest in a cruise ship, which roughly equals that of more than 100 electric cars. A charger was also built at the ship's home port, which can fully charge the ship's battery in six hours with green electricity from a hydropower plant.

①The "Yangtze River-Three Gorges Dam 1" cruise ship, fully powered by electric batteries with a capacity of 1,300 passengers, set off on its maiden voyage in March in Yichang City in central China's Hubei Province. 

1. Yangtze River 长江

2. cruise ship 大型邮轮

3. electric batteries  电池

4. capacity n. 容量,容积
a capacity of 容量是……

The mobile hospital has a capacity of 3,400 beds.

5. set off  出发,起航

6. maiden voyage 首航

maiden adj. 首次的,第一次的
voyage n. 航行

The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. 

②According to the China Three Gorges Cooperation, the 100-meter-long ship has 15 individual battery packs with a total capacity of 7,500 kilowatt-hour, the largest in a cruise ship, which roughly equals that of more than 100 electric cars. 

1. kilowatt-hour 千瓦时,一度

2. equal v. 和什么相等,等同

One meter equals one hundred centimeters. 

③A charger was also built at the ship's home port, which can fully charge the ship's battery in six hours with green electricity from a hydropower plant.

1. charger n. 充电站,充电器
charge v. 充电

My phone needs to be charged. 

2. home port 母港

3. hydropower n. 水力发电
hydro-  氢化的,跟水有关的

4. plant n. 工厂(factory)

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  • 神行者2024

    cruise ship游轮,set off on出发,maiden voyage首航,Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝,kilowatt-hour千瓦时,hydropower水力发电

  • 菲菲星光

    hydrogen 氢,debut n/v.首秀